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Abstract, Biomedical, 2018 August

We reviewed the paper to document the status of mange mite in camel raising arid and semi-arid areas of the world. Different published research papers and books from 1980 to 2018 on ecto-parasites of the camel (including mange mites) were reviewed. Published papers were obtained online by web browsing and books from university library. Mange is caused by different species of Sarcoptus, Psoroptus, Chorioptus and Demodex in camels. This parasite is important parasite in camel raising area of the world. High infestations are noted during rainy season, at young and old age, camel with poor body condition, and in large herds. Relatively, Sarcoptic mange caused by Sarcoptes scabieivarcameli is considered to be one of the most and economically important zoonotic and epizootic diseases with spread capacity among animals via direct physical contact with infested animal and indirectly through fomites.It is also one of the most prevalent type of camel mange. Occurrence of the disease is mostly associated with poor management and a mingling of diseased camels with healthy ones.

Camel mange mite infestation usually starts from head region and then extends to the neck and other areas of the body with thin skin. The scabies may spread to the whole body within a period of one month. In conclusion, Camels are important animal raised in arid semi-arid area of area of the world. Even though it provides many advantages to people in marginal areas; the camel has received very little attention as compared to other species of domesticated animals. For this reason, camels are affected by several diseases including mange mites. In developing countries like Ethiopia Pastoralists in lowlands area shifting their livestock production from cattle to camel due to recurrent drought and adaptation capacity of the camel especially in East Africa. Therefore, camel raising communities need to treat their camels regularly by anti-mange mite drugs; and governmental and nongovernmental organization working on livestock health need to give attention for camels in camel diseases research and their management. In addition, pastoralists need to separate infested camels from health ones, cleaning fomites before and after used, and treating herds when one or more camel show clinical sign. Keywords: Camel; Epidemiology; Mange mites