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ILEIA’s contribution to upscaling agroecology

  • Since December 1984 ILEIA produced 127 issues of Farming Matters
  • ILEIA collaborated in magazine making with twelve regional partner organisations
  • Together the magazines are produced one global, five regional and seven local language editions and in eleven languages
  • The magazines are read in every country of the world (according to Google)
  • Together they reach (substantially) more than a million readers per quarter, in digital and paper format
  • The total production cost per magazine per reader is less than one Euro
  • Since 1984 ILEIA collaborated with at least 2000 authors who contributed articles to Farming Matters
  • The outreach of their articles was up to 100 times higher than they would have got through a scientific journal
  • About 50 editors worked in ILEIA since 1984
  • Lastly, ILEIA worked with dozens of farmer philosophers, champions of agroecology, SRI, NPM, FMNR, and so on… Inspiring people whose contribution to sustainable development cannot be captured in simple figures and numbers.

136 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 7004 - 3) |

FM 2016 Farming Matters Vol 32 #4 - 20-12-2016

  • Listening to pastoralists
  • Pastoral Parliament - a platform to be heard and seen
  • Migrant shepherds sustain pastoralism in the Mediterannean
  • Pastoralists' breeds represent generations of knowledge
  • Pastoralist women have the capacity to lead
  • Adapting traditional land goverance in Somalia
  • Pastoralism in the Middle East
  • Preserning our Bedouin heritage
  • Building the Arab Pastoralist Communities Network
  • Sustainable guanaco management

FM 2016 Farming Matters Vol 32 Special Issue - 20-01-2016

  • Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources for family farmers - theory and practice
  • Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica
  • Access and benefit sharing in participatory plant breeding in Southwest China
  • Evolutionary populations - living gene banks in farmers' fields in Iran
  • Seed banks and national policy in Brazil
  • Potato breeding in the Netherlands - successful colaboration between farmers and commercial breeds
  • Implementing access and benefit sharing in eight countries
  • Industry benefits but does not pay its dues- patents are an assault on genetic resources
  • Giving new life to peasant seeds in Ecuador

FM 2017 Farming Matters Vol 33 #1 - 20-04-2017

  • Agroecology for food sovereignty
  • Food versus the big city of Istanbul
  • Human-centred agriculture fighting exploitation and racism
  • Food sovereignty taking root in women's knowledge
  • Locally rooted ideas and initiatives from the field
  • The vitality of everyday food
  • Food sovereignty stories from Europe
  • Resisting land grabbing in Germany
  • Alternative food systems in the Czech Republic
  • Human-centred agriculture fighting exploitation and racism


FM 2018 Farming Matters Vol 34 #1 - 20-03-2018

  • Community supported agroecology thriving in China
  • Farmers ensure safe water for New York City
  • Agroecology is the way forward for Africa
  • Organic and agroecology
  • Women in Brazil build autonomy with agroecology
  • Land grabbing threatens agroecology
  • Rice Intensification in India
  • Peasant agroecology in the Netherlands
  • Farmer to farmer learning builds resilience in Nigeria

FM 2020 Farming Matters Vol 36 #1 - 20-01-2020

In this issue:

  • Agroecology and feminist economics
  • The path to feminist agroecology
  • The economic potential of agroecology in Europe
  • The rise of rural women's movements in Southern Africa
  • Care ethics in agroecology
  • Highland agriculture
  • Growing equity through agroecology in Uganda

ILEIA Newsletter: 15 Years ILEIA - 01-01-1998

This publication considers the incredible impact in the 15 years of their existence. Throughout the text, those on the board of ILEA anticipate the growth this organization will see in the coming years. 

Participatory Technology Development In Sustainable Agriculture, ILEIA Workshop - 01-01-1989

This ILE|A workshop may be seen as a follow up of the workshop organized by the Institute for Development Studies, lDS, in Sussex, in June 1987: Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary methods. During the IDS workshop it was recommended that a number of regional meetings and workshops in the third world should be organised in order to link and exchange regional experiences in the field of farmer participation in technology development.

The ILEIA workshop was an intermediate step between the IDS workshop and the regionalworkshops; lt provided the opportunities

  • To make a more comprehensive inventory and assessment of the existing experiences
  • To agree on a format for describing practical methods and
  • To formulate a strategy for the further development of the methods of participatory technology development.


Participatory Technology Development In Sustainable Agriculture - 01-01-1991

The ILEIA workshop made an important contribution to the emergence of operational approaches to sustainable agricultural technology development. A great number of cases and descriptions of field experiences has been compiled and assessed, existing networks on participatory technology development have been linked and a number of proposals for further development of field activities have been formulated.

Let Farmers Judge - 01-01-1992

This reader is a follow-up to that workshop. It is a collection of papers on the theme of assessing sustainability in agriculture. The collection is divided into four parts. Following an introductory theme paper (Part I), the papers in Part II discuss the conceptual framework for assessment. Part III examines specific methodological issues, with the emphasis on farmers' assessment criteria. Part IV contains case studies comparing the performance of environmentally friendly farming practices and systems with that of conventional (high-external-input) agriculture.

Farmer's Research in Practice: Lessons From the Field - 01-01-1997

This book is about farmers' own research. In many parts of the world, farmers are seeking ways to improve their farming systems and to adapt their practices to changing agroecological and socioeconomic conditions. The contributions to this book give evidence of how farmers adopt, adapt and formulate new ideas and innovations, try them out in different settings, evaluate and assess the results, and make decisions about their potential value for improving the way they farm. All of these experiments, no matter what methods they employ, are refened to here as farmers' agricultural research. This is a considerable expansion of the conventional understanding of agricultural research, which is usually limited to scientifically designed, highly methodological and closely controlled experiments and investigations carried out on national and international agricultural research stations and in the field.
