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ILEIA’s contribution to upscaling agroecology

  • Since December 1984 ILEIA produced 127 issues of Farming Matters
  • ILEIA collaborated in magazine making with twelve regional partner organisations
  • Together the magazines are produced one global, five regional and seven local language editions and in eleven languages
  • The magazines are read in every country of the world (according to Google)
  • Together they reach (substantially) more than a million readers per quarter, in digital and paper format
  • The total production cost per magazine per reader is less than one Euro
  • Since 1984 ILEIA collaborated with at least 2000 authors who contributed articles to Farming Matters
  • The outreach of their articles was up to 100 times higher than they would have got through a scientific journal
  • About 50 editors worked in ILEIA since 1984
  • Lastly, ILEIA worked with dozens of farmer philosophers, champions of agroecology, SRI, NPM, FMNR, and so on… Inspiring people whose contribution to sustainable development cannot be captured in simple figures and numbers.

136 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 9037 - 9027) |

FM 1987 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 3 #4 - 12-01-1987

  • Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management
  • Farmer participatory research
  • Traditional resource use by cattle keepers
  • Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding
  • Poultry keeping
  • Animal first aid workers
  • Local knowledge

FM 1988 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 4 #1 - 19-03-1988

  • Mountain agriculture
  • Land degradation in Papua New Guinea
  • Sloping agricultural land technology
  • Land use systems in marginal highlands
  • Community forestry
  • Cassava planting
  • Pest management

FM 1988 Towards Sustainable Agriculture Part 1 - 19-05-1988

Published May, 1988


This publication is the result of a combined effort by the Information centre for Low-External Input Agriculture (ILEIA) in The Netherlands and AGRECOL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION in Switzerland. It aims at facilitating the dissemination of information on sustainable agriculture approaches and at giving people involved in agricultural development in the Third World insights into the need and opportunities for sustainable agricultural development.


Both ILEIA and AGRECOL were active in collecting, exchanging and disseminating information on sustainable agricultural approaches since 1981 and 1983, respectively. In the course of time, both organizations built up a database consulted by people who are committed at a practical level to agricultural development in the tropics.


With the selection of the books we have tried to provide introductions into sustainable agricultural approaches or into aspects of it, without the pretention of completeness. The books are dealing with concepts as well as practical methods and techniques. The selected periodicals are regularly featuring articles on aspects of sustainable agriculture. From the selected organizations further information and documents on applied methods of agriculture for small farmers in developing countries may be obtained.

FM 1988 Towards Sustainable Agriculture Part 2 - 19-05-1988

Published May, 1988


This publication is the result of a combined effort by the Information centre for Low-External Input Agriculture (ILEIA) in The Netherlands and AGRECOL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION in Switzerland. It aims at facilitating the dissemination of information on sustainable agriculture approaches and at giving people involved in agricultural development in the Third World insights into the need and opportunities for sustainable agricultural development.


Both ILEIA and AGRECOL were active in collectingexchanging and disseminating information on sustainable agricultural approaches since 1981 and 1983respectively. In the course of timeboth organizations built up a database consulted by people who are committed at a practical level to agricultural development in the tropics.  


Part Two contains a list of 254 books dealing with aspects of sustainable agriculture.




FM 1988 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 4 #3 - 19-10-1988

  • Strengthening farmers' capacity for technology development
  • Soybean Daddawa
  • Farmers as experimenters
  • Peasant farmer agricultural self-development
  • Participatory system
  • Natural crop protection

FM 1988 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 4 #4 - 19-12-1988

  • Farming systems experiences
  • Enhancing dryland agriculture
  • Reduction of risk by diversity
  • Bitter cassava as a drought resistant crop
  • Composting
  • Water harvesting for plant production
  • Moisture conservation
  • Tree planting for soil conservation
  • Tuna plant

FM 1989 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 5 #1 - 19-04-1989

  • Participatory analysis of the village agroecosystem
  • Research on integrated and organic farming
  • Traditional irrigation
  • Water harvesting
  • Agroforestry and integrated land use in Tanzania
  • Guinea Pig
  • Plant Protection

FM 1989 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 5 #3 - 19-03-1989

  • Religious ceremonies have practical value in Sri Lanka
  • Brazilian farmers - composting helps to prevent pests
  • Schoolboys assist farmers as IPM scouts in the Philippines
  • Integrated pest management
  • Ancient methods
  • Natural crop protection
  • Rice cultivation
  • Herbal preparations
  • Understanding plant diseases
  • Moths

FM 1989 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 5 #4 - 19-04-1989

  • Women use local knowledge to ensure survival
  • Amazonian myth gives peasants' views
  • Farmers welcome iguanas in forests of Panama
  • Local initiatives in maintaining biological diversity
  • Andean potato
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Sustainable rice-farming
  • Village based seed production
  • Genetic diversity 

FM 1990 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 6 #1 - 03-01-1990

  • Peruvian peasants are proud to share their knowledge
  • Experimentation by Thai farmers raises their self-confidence
  • You cannot fix indigenous knowlege
  • Traditional Indian agriculture
  • Andean agriculture
  • Culturally significant pest control
  • Working with local knowlege in range and livestock development
  • Learning from dryland farmers
  • Indian peasants 
  • Vetiver grass
