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ILEIA’s contribution to upscaling agroecology

  • Since December 1984 ILEIA produced 127 issues of Farming Matters
  • ILEIA collaborated in magazine making with twelve regional partner organisations
  • Together the magazines are produced one global, five regional and seven local language editions and in eleven languages
  • The magazines are read in every country of the world (according to Google)
  • Together they reach (substantially) more than a million readers per quarter, in digital and paper format
  • The total production cost per magazine per reader is less than one Euro
  • Since 1984 ILEIA collaborated with at least 2000 authors who contributed articles to Farming Matters
  • The outreach of their articles was up to 100 times higher than they would have got through a scientific journal
  • About 50 editors worked in ILEIA since 1984
  • Lastly, ILEIA worked with dozens of farmer philosophers, champions of agroecology, SRI, NPM, FMNR, and so on… Inspiring people whose contribution to sustainable development cannot be captured in simple figures and numbers.

136 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 9016 - 9007) |

FM 1993 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 9 #1 - 19-03-1993

  • Livestock issue
  • Mushrooming income for women
  • Beekeeping
  • Chiapas sheep
  • Crossbreeding
  • Soil classification
  • Improved cultivars

FM 1993 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 9 #2 - 19-07-1993

  • Campaign for pesticide free rice
  • Rapid composting saves labour
  • How fertile is fertilizer aid
  • Fish reduce pesticide use
  • Growing maize in Tanzania
  • Integrated nutrient management
  • Indigenous vegetables from Nepal

FM 1993 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 9 #3 - 19-10-1993

  • Fermented foods
  • Crop residues: mulch or feed?
  • Improved grainaries
  • Indigenous food preservation
  • Enset
  • A long tradition of long storage
  • Fusing tradition and science to design a better granary
  • The many uses of millet residues
  • Pastoral women harvest hay for calves
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Andean noodles

FM 1993 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 9 #4 - 19-12-1993

  • Sustainable growth in Kenya
  • Agroecological planning in Brazil
  • Agriculture or Agribusiness?
  • A strong case for diversity
  • Protecting farmers' rights
  • Bio-organic farming
  • Promoting sustainable land use - the role of NGOs
  • Coming back on chemicals

FM 1994 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 10 #1 - 19-03-1994

  • Farmers control communication
  • Sharing information
  • Consumers support organic farmers in Japan
  • Communicating via radio
  • Informal innovation comes first - Mali
  • Seeds for life
  • How to write for farmers - Nicaragua
  • Communicating via black and white

FM 1994 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 10 #2 - 19-07-1994

  • Revival of customary landcare - Tanzania
  • Improving land care
  • Grazing options
  • Landcare in Australia
  • Sustaining agri-culture
  • Livestock and nutrient cycling

FM 1994 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 10 #3 - 19-10-1994

  • Recovery of city waste
  • Earthworms as credit
  • Organic wastes hijacked
  • Recycle or pollute
  • Micro-organisms
  • Recycling urban night soil
  • Modified anaerobic composting
  • Drawing bioresource flows

FM 1994 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 10 #4 - 19-12-1994

  • Women survive on little land - Argentina
  • City farming
  • Hydroponics
  • Bio-intensive gardening - Bangladesh
  • Philippine resettlers start organic gardens
  • Urban agriculture network
  • Gardening on garbage
  • Waste
  • Grazing alternatives
  • The cattle of Chitungwiza

FM 1995 ILEIA Bibliography - 01-01-1995

This is a publication of the Information Centre for Low-External-lnput and Sustainable Agriculture (lLElA). Much of the material presented in the 1988 bibliography, however, is no longer available, or has been replaced bypublications that present a new view on the situation. Although the emphasis in ILEIA's work has not really shifted, new points of attention have come up since then. Many documents have been collected on Paft icipatory Technology Development andvarious appraisal methods in Farming Systems Research.

FM 1995 ILEIA Newsletter Vol 11 #1 - 19-03-1995

  • Learning how to do experimental trials
  • Intensive small-scale farming
  • Understanding plant diseases
  • Fertilizer bean-Honduras
  • Rats, mice and other vermin
  • Rural journalism
  • Information sharing - Germany
  • Flexible experiments
  • Learning with urban farmers - Bolivia
  • Less fertilzer
  • Hybrid layers - Nicaragua
  • Sweet potatoes
