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ILEIA’s contribution to upscaling agroecology

  • Since December 1984 ILEIA produced 127 issues of Farming Matters
  • ILEIA collaborated in magazine making with twelve regional partner organisations
  • Together the magazines are produced one global, five regional and seven local language editions and in eleven languages
  • The magazines are read in every country of the world (according to Google)
  • Together they reach (substantially) more than a million readers per quarter, in digital and paper format
  • The total production cost per magazine per reader is less than one Euro
  • Since 1984 ILEIA collaborated with at least 2000 authors who contributed articles to Farming Matters
  • The outreach of their articles was up to 100 times higher than they would have got through a scientific journal
  • About 50 editors worked in ILEIA since 1984
  • Lastly, ILEIA worked with dozens of farmer philosophers, champions of agroecology, SRI, NPM, FMNR, and so on… Inspiring people whose contribution to sustainable development cannot be captured in simple figures and numbers.

136 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 8023 - 8014) |

FM 2004 LEISA Magazine Vol 20 #1 - 20-03-2004

  • Underutilized plant species
  • Roselle in Senegal and Mali
  • Canahua deserves to come back
  • Genetic erosion of canahua
  • Growing and marketing Andean grains
  • Fonio:  a small grain with potential
  • Taro in Vanuatu
  • Masuku
  • Home gardens
  • Native fruits
  • Marugu
  • Women reintroducing neglected crops
  • The slow food movement
  • Describing useful plants


FM 2004 LEISA Magazine Vol 20 #2 - 20-06-2004

  • Youth and rural livelihoods
  • Growing up in the REAL world
  • Experiences from Honduras and Colombia
  • Children and the red hairy caterpillar offensive
  • Primary schools as catalysts for change
  • Rediscovering cultural roots:  children and biodiversity in the Andes
  • The pathfinder Academy
  • Young farmers in Europe
  • The future of farming in Wales
  • Nanna Dhwani:  our voices
  • Wild plants
  • Marketing local produce

FM 2004 LEISA Magazine Vol 20 #3 - 20-09-2004

  • Taking human beings into account
  • Producing for the family
  • Post-harvest fisheries
  • Improving dairy products and market links
  • Managing livestock by-products in Iran
  • Improved matmuras:  effective but underutilized
  • Traditional storage structures still going strong
  • Changing storage practices
  • The househod metallic silo
  • Avoiding bruchid infestation in stored beans
  • Marketing biodiversity
  • ECOVIR: a farmers' enterprise
  • Turning their backs to hunger
  • Improving cassava processing for the markets
  • Caring for the harvest
  • Handling and storage of leafy vegetables

FM 2005 LEISA Magazine Vol 21 #1 - 20-03-2005

  • Energy use in agriculture
  • Planting to catch more sunlight
  • Biodigesters in ecological farming systems
  • Biogas in Uganda
  • Improving organic fertilizers
  • Saving energy with better tools
  • Biogas production with guinea pig manure
  • Improving traditional water mills
  • Clean energy for chilling milk
  • Passive solar architecture for mountain agriculture
  • Developing a solar dryer for coffee
  • Building silos to introduce healthier cookstoves in Honduras
  • Alternative energy and women in nural Nepal
  • Mama tree

FM 2005 LEISA Magazine Vol 21 #2 - 20-06-2005

  • Transforming the land
  • More than profit:  Horta e Arte
  • Organic coffee
  • Holding on to the family farm
  • An alternative to slash-and-burn
  • Supporting the local economy
  • Microcredit, poverty and the environment
  • Organizing access to local seeds in a context of crisis
  • Community seed banks
  • Recovering biodiversity knowledge
  • Bringing farmers together
  • "Safe" vegetables for Hanoi
  • Termite mounds as fertllizer

FM 2005 LEISA Magazine Vol 21 #3 - 20-09-2005

  • The contribution of small animals
  • The advantages of small animals in farming systems
  • Diversifying small farms in Cambodia
  • Crop-goat integration in upland farming systems
  • Improving livelihoods through vermicomposting
  • Ecological breeding of guinea pigs
  • Improving the performance of indigenous sheep breeds
  • Supporting families living with HIV/AIDS
  • Organizing production of village chickens for the market
  • Chicken-bamboo farming in Southern China
  • A local plant for de-worming goats
  • Improving egg management
  • Azolla - a sustainable feed for livestock
  • Small livestock in the city
  • An integrated livestock-fish farming system
  • Goats

FM 2005 LEISA Magazine Vol 21 #4 - 20-12-2005

  • Tools for influencing policy
  • Promoting organic agriculture in Uganda
  • Small-scale agriculture and food security policies
  • Arvari Sansad - the famers' parliament
  • RAAA in Peru
  • Improved fallows and local institutions
  • Policy development in the organic movement
  • Changing animal health policies
  • Working together for pesticide control
  • The emergence of a faculty of organic agricultural sciences
  • Towards a district policy for sustainable agriculture

FM 2006 LEISA Magazine Vol 22 #1 - 20-03-2006

  • Documentation: an effective tool in Farmer Field Schools
  • Building documentation and communication capacities
  • Documentation of animal genetic resources - the LIFE method
  • The LEISA systematization process
  • Our participation in the systematization process
  • Documenting agroecology - Brazil
  • Learning through writing
  • Participatory Video as a documentation tool
  • Recording the useful plants of tropical Africa
  • The Encyclopedia of sustainability
  • Strengthening agroecological innovation networks

FM 2006 LEISA Magazine Vol 22 #2 - 20-06-2006

  • Cuba's enforced ecological learning experience
  • Input substitution or ecological agriculture?
  • The transition process to ecological agriculture in Chiapas, Mexico
  • Towards more sustainable livelihoods
  • Beechenhill Farm finds an organic future
  • Organising for organic agriculture in Tanzania
  • Cabiokid, a successful experiment
  • Meeting agricultural change in the Lao PDR
  • Regenerative agricultural entrepreneurship and education along the Petite Cote, Senegal
  • Economic benefits of a transition to ecological agriculture
  • Organic farming increases independency and creativity
  • Managing agricultural transition in African drylands

FM 2006 LEISA Magazine Vol 22 #3 - 20-09-2006

  • Bridging the gaps between researchers' and farmers' realities
  • Improving service delivery in Yunnan, China
  • Better livestock management in Guatemala
  • Documenting, validating and scaling-up local innovations
  • From piloting to scaling up
  • Change through shared learning
  • In search of new sources of protein
  • Improving pig feeding systems in Vietnam
  • Controlling ticks and influencing policy
  • Old skills and new ideas in Macedonia
  • Local and modern innovations - what interests whom
  • The Kamayoq in Peru
