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By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 19-10-1996

           |                 |         |      |        |      ADAPTATION       
  COMMON   |                 +ANNUAL OR|GROWTH|PROPA-  |-------+-----+-------   
           |                 |         |      |        | TEMPS |FLOOD|DROUGHT
FEED LEGUMES:                |         |      |        |       |     |
 Acacia,   |Acacia albida    |Perennial|Tree  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Some
 Centro    |Centrosema       |Perennial|Vine  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Some 
           | pubescens       |         |      |        |       |     |   
 Jackbean  |Canavalia        |Annual   |Bush  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Some
           | ensiformis      |         |      |        |       |     |
 Kudzu     |Pueraria         |Perennial|Vine  |Seeds   |  Yes  | Some|  Some
           | phaseoloides    |         |      |        |       |     | 
 Leucaena  |Leucaena spp.    |Perennial|Tree  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Yes 
 Mesquite  |Prosopis spp.    |Perennial|Tree  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Yes 
 Mother    |Gliricidia sepium|Perennial|Tree  |Seeds,  |  Yes  | Some|  Some
   of cacao|                 |         |      |Cuttings|       |     |  
 Prickly   |Sesbania         |Perennial|Shrub |Seeds   |  Yes  | Yes |  Some
   sesban  | bispinosa       |         |      |        |       |     |
 Spanish   |Desmodium        |Perennial|Vine  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Some 
   clover  | uncinatum       |         |      |        |       |     |
 St. John's|Ceratonia siliqua|Perennial|Tree  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Yes
   bread   |
 Umbrella  |Acacia tortilis  |Perennial|Tree  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Yes 
   thorn   |                 |         |      |        |       |     | 
FEED GRASSES:                |         |      |        |       |     |
 Napier    |Pennesitum       |Perennial|Tall  |Seeds,  |  Yes  | Yes |  No
           | purpureum       |         | Grass|Cuttings|       |     |
 Sudan     |Sorghum sudanese |Annual   |Tall  |Seeds   |  Yes  | No  |  Some
           |                 |         | Grass|        |       |     | 
 Guinea    |Panicum maximum  |Perennial|Clump |Seeds,  |  Yes  | Some|  Some 
           |                 |         | Grass|Cuttings|       |     |
 Pangola   |Digitaria        |Perennial|Spread|Cuttings|  Yes  | Some|  Some
             decumbens       |         | Grass|        |       |     |
 Bermuda   |Cynodon dactylon |Perennial|Spread|Cuttings|  Yes  | No  |  Some 
           |                 |         | Grass|        |       |     |
 Star      |Cynodon          |Perennial|Spread|Cuttings|  Yes  | No  |  Some 
           | nlemfluensis    |         | Grass|        |       |     |
 Kikuyu    |Pennesitum       |Perennial|Spread|Cuttings|  No   | No  |  Some
           | clandestinum    |         | Grass|        |       |     |    