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---  Zambia Agribusiness Society

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100 Issues in this Publication (Showing 61 - 70) |

C - Tips on Growing Irish Potatoes in Zambia – CASHPROJECT

Potatoes are an important food crop in the region. It grows better between the end of February and beginning of November. Summer crops are expensive to grow and the yields are poor, with lifting being very difficult. Under good management the crop responds well to produce a high yield.

Mainly used for food: Crisps, French fries, table potatoes (boiled) and for medicinal use. 

C- Sweet Potato Tuber Agronomy Production – Sibusisiwe Pinkson Dube

Topics included in this presentation include: 

  • Botany
  • Climate Requirements
  • Soil Requirements
  • land Preparation
  • Land Preparation
  • Planting
  • Disease Control
  • Harvesting

C- Sweet Potato Cultivation and Post Harvest Handling – ZAS

The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (LamK) seemed to have originated in Tropical America, but, the exact location is not known. This crop is now grown throughout the tropics for its edible tubers, which are an important food source in many countries. Guyana is one of the tropical countries in which sweet potato is cultivated. The Regions of highest production in Guyana, are Regions 3, 4, and 9, but it is also grown in Regions 2, 5 and 6.

Sweet potato is primarily used as food. Generally it is consumed directly- the main type of preparation being boiling, baking or frying. In processed form, the tubers can be prepared in many ways for human consumption (canned, frozen, dehydrated or made into flour or starch).

For industrial uses, the tuber is a source of starch, glucose, syrup, vinegar and alcohol. The tuber and plant tops are also a source of animal feed. The tuber is fed directly or in processed form and the leaves are fed to livestock as fresh fodder or in the form of silage.

C - Sweet Potato Production – ZAS

Sweet Potatoes are generally an easy crop to farm due to their low capital intensity and applicability on small tracts of land. There are two broad categories of sweet Potatoes which are as follows:

  • The staple type with white flesh and white or purple skin has a high starch and dry matter content.
  • The desert flesh and orange skin with a high sugar and beta-carotene content. Commonly three distinct types of sweet potato available for commercial production include.

C - Sweet Potato Information and History – UCCE Merced County

The sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas, morning-glory family, Convolvulaceae) is an enlarged storage root that comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Varieties, particularly those used for market use, are classified as “dry-fleshed” or “moist-fleshed,” according to the feel sensation experienced in the mouth when eating a cooked or baked sweetpotato. The “moist-fleshed” potato is sometimes referred to as a “yam” and the “dry-fleshed” as a “sweetpotato.” They are, however, both sweetpotatoes.

C- Sweet Potato – Cheryl Kaiser and Matt Ernst

The terms “sweet potato” and “yam” are often used interchangeably; however, they are actually two entirely different crops. Only sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are grown in the U.S.; yams (Dioscorea spp.) are grown in the Caribbean and many other tropical areas.

C - Complete Guide on Sweet Potato Farming in Kenya – Farmers Trend

Sweet Potato is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the family convolvulaceae. It is a perennial vine adaptable to different agro-ecological zones. It is widely grown on a small scale mainly in subsistence farming. The tubers are a rich source of the flavonoid anti-oxidants, vitamin A, dietary fibers and minerals. 

C- The Sweet Potato Lover’s Cookbook – More Than 100 Ways to Enjoy One of the World’s Healthiest Foods – Lyniece North Talmadge

Recipes Covered in this Cookbook include: 

  • Appetizers
  • Beverages
  • Soups
  • Salads
  • Breads
  • Breakfasts
  • Main Dishes
  • Desserts
  • Friendship Recipes
  • Around the World 

C - Production Requirements & Costs for 1 ha of Sweet Potatoes – 14 March 2014

Production Requirements & Costs for 1 ha of Sweet Potatoes

C - Production of Sweet Potatoes as a Commercial Crop in Zimbabwe – Shadreck Gwari

Over the years the production of Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) as a commercial crop in Zimbabwe has been increasing due to its numerous advantages as compared to other root and tuber crops. The crop has minimal input requirements yet yields highly. Sweet potatoes store well and can be a famine reserve crop especially with the increased effects of climate change being currently experienced in Zimbabwe. The water requirements of the crop are minimal compared to cereals, which is the main source of carbohydrates in the local diet.