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Climate change is a global crisis. As temperatures and sea levels rise, people around the world are increasingly seeing heat waves, droughts, foods, cyclones, and wildfres upend their lives. The efects of climate change are not equal – they disproportionately impact the poorest and most marginalized communities we work to support every day. Climate change afects virtually everything that USAID does and threatens the development progress we have supported over more than 60 years.

Climate change increases water and food scarcity, displacement, and the need for humanitarian assistance, as well as contributes to confict and disrupts economic stability. Yet at the same time, our response presents an opportunity to improve livelihoods. Decarbonizing economies means less air pollution that negatively afects health. Building climate-resilient infrastructure means people are safer when disaster strikes and reduces the need for costly repairs after every storm. Investing in green jobs presents an opportunity to make workforces more equitable and inclusive.