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  1. Key Resource 21/09/2015 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a method of raising rice that produces substantially higher yields with the planting of far fewer seedlings and the use of fewer inputs than either traditional methods (i.e., flooding) or more “modern” methods (using mineral fertilizer or...
  2. 20/10/2001 In late January of this year [2001], two private companies announced that they have mapped the entire genome (i.e. all of the genes) of the rice variety ‘NIPPON barre.’
  3. Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) is a management practice in irrigated lowland rice that saves water and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while maintaining yields. The practice of AWD is defined by the periodic drying and re-flooding of the rice field. While AWD requires a specific water...
  4. Available on : iOS Android Odisha Version : Android Tagalog Version: iOS Android This interactive tool allows users to diagnose or at least make a short list of possible problems occurring in a rice crop. The key covers over 90 pests and diseases and other disorders. The combination of text...
  5. 01/01/1978 95 pages, illustrated, photos
  6. 02/10/2013 Selecting seed from unpolished grains Dehusking unpolished grains by hand Steps: 1.Take around half a kilogram of unmilled seed of the desired variety. 2. Winnow and clean the seeds to get rid of any unfilled ones. 3.Dehusk the rice grains by hand by starting with the tail end of the seed in...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Participatory varietal selection or PVS is a method that allows different stakeholders to get involved in identifying constraints and selecting new varieties out of the hundreds developed by rice breeders. During three years multiple stakeholders are involved in...
  8. Properly drying paddy rice can avoid huge losses. When your rice is not dried properly, you can lose crop to mold, pests, and other issues. Paddy drying is difficult, especially during rainy and cloudy days. This is why it is best to use a dryer for your crop. The BAU-STR is an efficient batch...
  9. 14/02/2019 Session: Rice is the daily staple food of 3.5 billion people. One out of 5 people on our planet derives a livelihood from rice. In 2050, the world will face a big production shortfall estimated at 40%. How can we address this global challenge while protecting the environment, adapting to and...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Based on hard real-life experience, the women of Maria village have devised some very effective techniques for seed preservation. So why not learn from some of these innovative women. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  11. Abstract, Plant Production Science, 2019 January Mechanised rice production has started to take place in response to rural labour shortage and increased labour cost in Khammouan province in central Laos where subsistence rice production is being replaced with commercial agriculture. This paper...
  12. To bridge the gap between research and practice in rice production, theInternational Rice Research Institute (IRRI)developed the Rice Knowledge Bank (RKB)—a digital extension service that provides practical knowledge solutions, specialized for small-scale farmers in developing countries. RKB...
  13. Abstract - International Journal of Zoology, 2016 Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly technology. IPM is a multifaceted approach to pest management that seeks to minimize negative impacts on the environment. This technique is an important step towards providing...
  14. While most plant breeders recognize the importance of utilizing genetic diversity in breeding programs, much of the breeding efforts in the past has largely been based on small segments of locally adapted cultivars. Only in recent years has it become apparent that plant breeding programs with a...
  15. 20/01/2005 The rice industry in the Philippines has gone through various challenges and will benefit from EM technologies. Growing, harvesting and processing rice creates high volumes of waste that can be captured and converted back into fertilizer for the next crop. It is important to understand the...
  16. 50,000 Farmers in 13 Countries: Results from Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa By Erika Styger and Gaoussou Traoré The System for Rice Intensification (SRI) has tremendous potential to close the rice production gap in West Africa and to place the region on the desired...
  17. Abstract,Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2013 Rice is the second major food crop in central Asia. Climate change may greatly affect the rice production in the region. This study quantifies the effects of projected increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2concentration on the...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating...
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video What steps can be taken to make sure that locally grown rice can compete against imports? Improving quality which can lead to increased profits for farmers. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Bariba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kiswahili...
  20. 08/02/2018 Speaker Bio: Marilyn Laquiña Bernabe is an Instructor/faculty member at the Agricultural Engineering Department at Capiz State Univeristy, Burias Campus, Capiz Philippines. She finished her Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering and took her MA degree in Educational Management. She also...
  21. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed control can increase yields by more than 50%. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile taking a closer look. In this video you can learn how to control weeds most effectively. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  22. The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is a pan-African Center of Excellence for rice research, development and capacity building. It contributes to reducing poverty, achieving food and nutrition security and improving livelihoods of farmers and other rice value-chain actors in Africa by increasing...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video False smut fungus causes chalkiness of rice grains, and negatively affects milling, cooking and eating. By applying a range of agroecological practices, you can avoid disease infestation in your rice crop. Available languages English French Tamil
  24. Across the world billions of people are using their smartphones for surfing, selfies and social media. But here in the Mekong delta they’re using them to tackle climate change. The International fund for Agricultural Development ( IFAD) alongside the Vietnam government is funding an app which...
  25. 19/10/1996 Is Morning Always the Best Time to Harvest Vegetables and Herbs?"> Insects in Tropical Stores (A Poster) Use of Vegetable Oils to Protect Stored Beans From Bruchid Beetle Attack Banana Juice Protects Seeds From Insects The Simplest Way to Control Bean Beetles Appropriate Technology Juice...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Unless you identify the pest at an early stage, much of the crop can be lost.By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money. Available languages English French Tamil
  27. Abstract, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017 Golden Rice is any variety of rice which makes beta-carotene, thus giving the rice a yellow (Golden) colour. It was created as an additional intervention for vitamin A deficiency. This dietary deficiency is the most significant cause of childhood...
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video O manejo eficiente de ervas daninhas pode aumentar a produtividade em mais de 50%, mas isso geralmente leva muito tempo. Como agricultor, portanto, vale a pena investir em ferramentas de manejo de ervas daninhas que poupam trabalho. Com este vídeo, você aprende...
  29. Through their associations the farmers are able to solve their own problems. All the institutions that are working with SNV are helping the farmers to meet their goals. It is a programme that the farmers lead and which they want to see succeed. In the past, according to Mr. Mutale, Government and...
  30. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how the disease first appears in the leaf tip. Finally, the plant dries up. Non-chemical methods can be used to control this disease. Available languages Bambara Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hindi Marathi Mooré Tamil
  31. Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it will be a brand-new agricultural model, which will bring great value to the increase in food income.
  32. Access Agriculture Training Video A direct seeded rice crop requires less water, labour and money compared to transplanted rice. It also matures one to two weeks earlier when all other crops are still in the field. Available languages Bangla English French Hindi
  33. Access Agriculture Training Video How do land preparation and water management affect crop establishment, weed management and rice yields? In this video you can learn the answers to these and other questions. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages English French Kiswahili...
  34. Access Agriculture Training Video Flood tolerant rice is the solution for flood prone areas. In this video, we will take a closer look at how to select suitable rice varieties, use quality seeds, grow healthy and vigorous seedlings and manage your field after flooding. Available languages Bangla...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, you can learn how to prepare a seedbed, as establishing a good seedbed is needed to obtain strong seedlings and give your rice crop a good start. Let’s look at it step by step. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages Ateso...
  36. 20/03/2019 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of the Philippines. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are...
  37. 20/01/2018 Rice is the most important food crop, both worldwide and for China. To achieve a transition towards sustainable rice production based on agroecology, biodiversity is a crucial component. Through China’s long history of agricultural development, many rich experiences of harnessing biodiversity in...
  38. 26/03/2015 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice produced in farming. It is a low water, labor intensive, organic method that uses younger seedlings singly spaced and typically hand weeded with special tools. It was developed in 1983 by the French...
  39. Abstract,Department of SoilScience,University of Sriwijaya, 2018 Growingricehadbeendonepreviouslybyapplyingcrumblecompostonthefloatingraftbutpart of compost was lost through runoff, so briquettes compost needs to be buried in soil. The aims of this researchweretofindouttheeffectsofbriquettes...
  40. Abstract,Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2015 This paper compares financial costs and benefits of floating rice-based and intensive rice farming systems using data from focus group discussions and household survey in four locations in the Mekong Delta. We argue that the net...
  41. Access Agriculture Training Video Yields are much higher when rice is transplanted. Compared to broadcasting, yields are two or three times higher. So why not watch this video and find out how and why. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages: Ateso Burmese Chichewa /...
  42. Access Agriculture Training Video Why not try the technique of seed flotation before sowing your seed. By using this technique any poor seeds which have been attacked by insects will float to the top, leaving the good seed on the bottom. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available...
  43. Access Agriculture Training Video There are many problems with poor seed, and spotted and discoloured seed are some of the major ones. Spotted seeds can't be removed by winnowing or seed flotation. They can only be removed by manual sorting. This video will show you how to clean seed as one of...
  44. 20/01/2007 The indigenous farming system of Sri Lanka was a close integration of livestock management (especially cattle and goat), mixed home garden system, upland dry farming of rice, other grains, oil crops and vegetables (Kekulama) as a component of "Chena"– shifting cultivation, and lowland rice–paddy...
  45. 20/12/2015 Women forging change with agroecology Building autonomy through agroecology Bringing 'life' back to our food system SRI: A practice that transforms the lives of women Constructing autonomy, territory and peace Peasant women power in Mozambique Women drive alternative economies in the Himalayas...
  46. 20/10/2020 French only
  47. Abstract, International Journal of Agronomy, 2012 A study was undertaken for two consecutive years to assess the possibility of optimizing rhizome yield ofAcorus calamusL. (sweet flag) by shifting the time of planting (i.e., growing in rainy and autumn seasons), maintaining different spacings,...
  48. This TVNI hosted webinar “Vetiver Grass for the control of stem borer of rice in China” was held on March 1st 2022. The webinar (55 minutes) comprises a presentation by guest speaker Dr. Zhongxian Lu of the Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,...
  49. Kamanda, Philip & Mensah, Albert & Ramorathudi Motaung, Masa & Akaba, Selorm. (2023). Status of rice post-harvest value addition by smallholder farmers in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone. Smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone are characterized by their socio-demographic...
  50. Abdul Fataio Tandason, Abdul Salami Bah, Daniel Rince George, Mohamed Francis Musa, Hamid Mustapha Sheriff. Assessing Post-Harvest Losses of Rice Processing at Agricultural Business Centers (ABCs) in Rice Production in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 8, No. 2,...
  51. Our vision is to “Feed the world. Sustainably”, transforming the global rice sector through an alliance that links research, production, policy making, trade and consumption. The vision articulates a new norm in rice, where the sector delivers healthy, high-quality, nutritious rice to consumers,...
  52. Hameeda Itagi, Kristel June D. Sartagoda, Vipin Pratap, Priyabrata Roy, Rhowell N. Tiozon, Ahmed Regina, Nese Sreenivasulu, Popped rice with distinct nutraceutical properties, LWT, Volume 173, 2023, 114346, ISSN 0023-6438,
  53. In Northeastern region of India, livelihood of majority of the rural communities depends on rice farming. The tribal population of the region traditionally practices shifting and terrace rice cultivation in hills and wet rice cultivation in the valleys. The core diet of the inhabitants of the...
  54. Dr. Dani Kacha, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 Issue 10, October 2020 Paddy-cum-fish cultivation a unique economic activity is practiced by the farming communities in all over the world. This is one of the innovative farming techniques...

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