icipe's mission is to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security and improve the overall health status of peoples of the tropics, by developing and extending management tools and strategies for harmful and useful arthropods, while preserving the natural resource base through research and capacity building.
The Centre's vision is to pioneer global science in entomology, to improve the well being and resilience of people and the environment to the challenges of a changing world, through innovative and applied research, alongside deep exploratory study, impact assessment, evaluation and sustainable capacity building.
The complete set of icipe publications are available here.
Selected direct links are available below.
4 Issues in this Publication (Showing 1 - 4)
Biopesticides as Effective Tools for the Control of Ticks
Ticks and tick-borne diseases cause great economic loss to livestock in the world and have adverse effects on them in several ways and even leads to their death. Ticks parasitise a wide range of vertebrate hosts and transmit a variety of pathogenic agents than any other group of arthropods. The most common species in the East African region include Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Amblyomma variegatum and Rhipicephalus decoloratus, while in Somaliland, Rhipicephalus evertsi followed by Hyalomma truncatum, Amblyomma variegatum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus pulchellus.
Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and Food Security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Nematodes are difficult to diagnose due to their nonspecific, cryptic disease symptoms, lack of apparent damage, limited diagnostic capabilities, and inadequate understanding of nematodes and expertise to manage the pests. Nematodes are often misdiagnosed or attributed to other causes.
Manual de Maneio Integrado de Pragas das Brassicas na áfrica Oriental - 20/01/2013
- Also available in:
- English (en)
A maioria das hortícolas produzidas no mundo pertencem ao género Brassica.
As principais brassicas produzidas na África oriental são o repolho (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata), a couve, conhecida na região como “choumolea” (B. oleracea L. var. acephala), a couve chinesa (B. campestris L.var.sinensis), a couve-flor (B. oleracea L. var. botrytis), o bróculo (B.oleracea L. var.botrytis), e a couve-de-Bruxelas (B. oleracea L. var.gemmifera).
Estas hortícolas são produzidas principalmente para os mercados locais e uso doméstico. São importantes fontes de vitaminas e minerais, assim como fonte de renda para pequenos agricultores tanto nas zonas rurais como peri-urbanas. Porém, a produção é muitas vezes constrangida por danos causados por uma diversidade de pragas, doenças, nemátodos e infestantes. O grupo de pragas que atacam as brássicas é idêntico, mas a importância relativa de espécies de pragas individuais varia entre diferentes culturas e entre países. As principais pragas das brássicas incluem a traça da couve, afídeos da couve, broca da couve, a lagarta gregária da couve e o percevejo da couve. A podridão negra, virus do mosaico do nabo e podridão mole constituem as principais doenças.
A Field Guide to the Management of Economically Important Tephritid Fruit Flies in Africa 2006 - 20/01/2006
This field guide provides agricultural scientists, extension workers and quarantine specialists with information on the life cycle, damage symptoms, distribution and host plants of major fruit fly species of fruits and vegetables in Africa. The purpose, tools and methodology for fruit fly monitoring, suppression and host fruit processing and handling are also comprehensively covered. Additionally, brief sections on safety precautions A-1 during monitoring and suppression, and packaging, handling and shipment of specimens to facilitate identification are provided. The field guide also provides a simple, user-friendly taxonomic key to all the common fruit fly species to allow for rapid identification of the major species found on fruits in Africa. This manual is to be considered as a 'working document' to be regularly updated as fruit fly taxonomy and management techniques continue to improve and global experience in control programmes continues to expand.