
  1. This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using the jerrycan method. Beans can be stored in an airtight jerrycan for long periods of time safely. The jerrycan being used must be completely clean and free of any contaminants. It can never have been used...

  2. A mandioca é um alimento básico para mais de 800 milhões de pessoas em aproximadamente 80 países, principalmente na região subsahariana africana, mas também na Ásia, no Pacífico e na América do Sul. A mandioca contem cianetos, que a protegem contra pragas e predadores produzindo ácido cianídrico....

  3. Naturally occurring insecticidal compounds can be extracted from neem seeds and sprayed onto crops to prevent pest insect damage. This 2 minute and 33 second animation explains how to sort neem fruits, dry them, remove their outer shells, sort the seeds, grind them, mix the powder in water,...