1. Access Agriculture Training Video Wooden stakes are the strongest support for climbing beans and can be used for many seasons, but wood is in high demand for construction and fuel wood. Farmers in southwest Uganda show us different ways of staking beans, with or without wood. Available languages...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video As individual farmers lack resources to invest in, or learn about, Conservation Agriculture. This video shows a group in Kenya that has come together to share knowledge and equipment and to assist each other. Available languages Arabic Bambara English French...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Stone lines induce a natural process of terracing as they trap sediments. Stone lines or stone bunds can slow down runoff, increase water infiltration and form the basis for improved production in semi-arid areas. By using the contours of low slopes water...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize tar spot is a serious pest of maize. To help prevent it, it is important to burn the crop residues from the previous year, or plant your maize in land that did not have maize the year before. Some maize varieties are resistant to this disease. Available...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Without any air, finely chopped green maize ferments without rotting. This is because micro-organisms digest the sugars in the fodder and produce lactic acid, which acts as a natural preservative. The key to making silage is to create the right conditions for a...
  6. Access Agriculture Video Seque seu milho antes de descascá-lo. Selecione o milho em uma lona e separe-o. Seque seu milho sob o sol quente em uma lona, virando-o regularmente. Antes de armazenar os grãos, meça o nível de umidade, verificando o som produzido pelo grão. Deixe o grão esfriar antes de...
  7. Access Agriculture Video Armazenar e gerenciar o estoque em um armazém envolve três etapas importantes. Devemos primeiro preparar o armazém, depois armazenar os produtos em paletes e, por fim, acompanhar e gerenciar o estoque no armazém. Idiomas disponíveis Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dendi...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Apart from the improved mud granary, you can also use metal silos or bags recommended for storing maize. You can also use drums, or if you do not have any of these, use regular bags, but you should add a conservation agent, as regular bags are not airtight. ...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video A pulverização de pesticidas é cara e geralmente não consegue controlar essa praga. Visite sua plantação duas vezes por semana durante as primeiras 6 semanas e mate todas as massas de ovos e lagartas-do-cartucho jovens com a mão. É importante fazer a verificação...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping your soil healthy and by planting early, your plants will be strong and less vulnerable to insects and moulds. Once the maize is dry, harvest within the next two weeks. Keep the healthy ears off the ground, otherwise moulds will get on your maize and...