01/01/1989 Este papel é um de uma série publicada por Voluntários em Ajuda Técnica prover um introduçăo para tecnologias de estado-de-o-arte específicas de interesse para pessoas em países em desenvolvimento. É pretendida que os documentos săo usados como diretrizes ajudar para as pessoas a escolher...
Le présent essai est essentiellement une revue, une tentative de rassemblement des principales informations relatives au problème des relations entre productions animales et végétaux ligneux, considérés dans l'opique environnementale, si actuelle. On s'est efforcé de donner dans une forme...
19/04/1989 Participatory analysis of the village agroecosystem Research on integrated and organic farming Traditional irrigation Water harvesting Agroforestry and integrated land use in Tanzania Guinea Pig Plant Protection
19/06/1990 Traditional practices are the basis for community forestry in Peru Mixed-garden agroforestry economically viable in Indonesia Community level planning and action needed for regreening Ecofarming Economics of agriculture Trees and farmers Fodder hedges within dairy projects Forestry for...
19/05/1991 Assessing low-external-input farming techniques Bontoc rice terraces Pleasant strategies to deal with risk Africa's soils are being mined Local economies From data collection to farmer assessment Soil erosion Natural grass strips Soil fertility techniques Beans Agroforestry New approaches to...
19/12/1991 Strategies for integrated systems Herding associations - Peru Community based landuse planning in Thailand Lowland farming Women integrate fish and farming Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry Indigenousknowledge
20/09/2000 Fallow management Nutrient banks or nutrient access Buhid shifting cultivators adapt land use Analog forestry Regenerative analog agroforestry in Brazil Marketing of forest and agricultural products Sustainable agriculture on the forest margin Livestock and forage management in stablising...
01/01/2020 *Available as Download Only Planting trees in the agricultural landscape, in the form of establishing agroforestry systems, has a significant role to play in potentially improving ecosystem services, such as increased biodiversity, reduced soil erosion, increased soil carbon storage, improved...
01/01/1996 This study examines the world market situation for cashew nuts, cashew kernels and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). The cashew but production has diversified since the 1970s" India, Mozambique and Tanzania shared 95% of the world market. In the 1990s Brazil and India are main producers, followed...