1. This publication outlines practices applicable to the prevention of disease in poultry, and second, to deal with the more important disease to which poultry are susceptbile.
  2. This manual discusses the development of a Newcastle disease virus for use in the production of vaccine for village flocks.
  3. It is the purpose of this book to describe in detail the basic principles of nutrition;to record and discuss the current knowledge concerning energy, protein, amino acids, vitamins and essential inorganic elements; to indicate the various known nutritional interrelationships; and to demonstrate...
  4. This classic reference for poultry nutrition has been updated for the first time since 1984. The chapter on general considerations concerning individual nutrients and water has been greatly expanded and includes, for the first time, equations for predicting the energy value of individual feed...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Dirty drinking water, unclean surroundings, and improper food cause many diseases in chicken. Clean the coop area and remove the poop and spoiled feed every day. You can purify the drinking water with turmeric powder or potassium permanganate. Feed chickens a...
  6. 01/01/2018 This book has been extensively prepared for poultry farmers in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia, although a little emphasis was made considering the Nigerian socio-economic and agro-climatic conditions. Small scale farmers make up over 80% of the total output realised from meat and egg...
  7. The purpose of this study is to look at 4 aspects of the poultry industry. The study of the environment, mainly air temperature, and its affect on egg production and mortality rate among layers as well as chicks, the study of feed utililization by chicks and by layers, the study of egg production...
  8. This handbook provides an overview of the parasites of major pathogenic and economic importance and presents precedures and techniques for their diagnosis, epidemiological study, survey and control. The book is designed for routine use in all types of animal health institutions where diagnostic...
  9. 12/01/2001 This document contains information on federal and state inspection requirements for on-farm poultry production and processing. 74 pages
  10. Key Resource 01/01/1998 W. Malcolm Reid (1910-1990) was Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science (Parasitology) at the University of Georgia. He saw a need for a book dealing with basic poultry production and recruited others to help him develop one. He knew firsthand the value of poultry as a source of food and manure for...