1. Access Agriculture Training Video Você pode fazer mulch (cobertura) a partir de qualquer material vegetal seco disponível no local, como grama ou palha. Além de ser fácil fazer a cobertura vegetal, ela ajuda a economizar água, tempo e mão-de-obra, ao mesmo tempo em que enriquece seu solo e...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video A direct seeded rice crop requires less water, labour and money compared to transplanted rice. It also matures one to two weeks earlier when all other crops are still in the field. Available languages Bangla English French Hindi
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video The main aim is to reduce costs and improve profitability. Soil health is improved as is soil moisture. Zambia is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa and this programme shows how the technique is practised. Available languages Arabic Bambara Burmese English...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Agricultores do norte da Nigéria estão mudando a maneira como consorciam o sorgo e o painço com o feijão-de-corda. Ao plantar ambas as culturas em densidades mais altas e em fileiras separadas, aplicando algum fertilizante orgânico e mineral, eles colhem mais e...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video On sloping land, rainwater washes away the fertile soil and cassava yields will quickly decline. By reducing soil erosion and building up a healthy soil, you will continue to have a good cassava harvest for many years. Available languages Bambara English French...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can be increased naturally and the soil improved year by year. To turn your rice straw...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Earthworm compost can increase soil fertility and help increase the production of vegetables in poor and salty soils. Here we will learn about a fast and easy way to make earthworm compost on a small piece of land. Available languages Arabic AtesoAymara Bambara...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Demi-lunes (half-moons) are in the shaped of a semi-circle with the tips of the bunds on the contour. They come in a variety of sizes, which help with water harvesting in semi-arid areas. They help to improve soil fertility when manure or compost is added. ...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video O composto é mais poderoso do que o esterco. O que poucos sabem é que os microrganismos do composto atacam as sementes da estriga no solo. O composto também diminui a quantidade de estriga que brotará e reduz seu efeito negativo nas plantações de cereais. Vejamos...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Na savana costeira da África Ocidental, os agricultores explicam como uma cobertura de mucuna ajudou a revitalizar o solo altamente degradado e eliminar as ervas daninhas estriga e imperata. Eles mostram como cultivá-la para beneficiar o milho e a mandioca e por...