Inspired by the French tradition of teaching children to appreciate fresh and healthful foods, The Children's Kitchen Garden offers a new approach to gardening, cooking, and learning that brings children and adults together.
Root cellaring is a method of storing perishable fruits and vegetables, and this guide gives instruction on both improvising a small root cellar and constructing a true root cellar.
01/09/1989 The intent of this book is to create better vegetable gardening practices, not only in Haiti but in other places with hot climates. 49 pages, illustrated.
01/01/1991 This report summarizes the workshop discussions and recommendations, addresses key issues concerning the role of household garden programs in rural development, and identifies viable implementation strategies drawn from the experiences of the workshop participants.
01/01/2008 Uma horta pode contribuir substancialmente para uma melhor alimentação das famílias. Com isto em mente, este guia prático ajuda o leitor a gerir uma horta em casa, sem despender muito tempo em jardinagem. Nesta edição (que substitui A horta nos trópicos) recursos como sebes, árvores e arbustos...
01/01/1993 This Primer on Vegetable Gardening was conceived in recognition of the potential role of vegetable gardening as an efficeient source of nutrition and cash income for poor families in the developing world. It is fully illustrated and contains simpleand precise information on vegetable gardening...
As we move into a new century, hunger around the globe is one on the main problems that must be tackled. Hydroponics provides one way in which groups of indiviuals can provide food for their families and start their own cottage industries. This form of growing food should be widely known-it can...