1. 19/01/1996 The parasiticweed Striga hermonthica is a major problem in African millet fields. International Agricultural Development (Jan/Feb 1994) reports that dense intercropping of cowpea in millet stands can reduce Striga emergence.
  2. 19/02/1998 A striga resistant sorghum has been developed. In addition the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, may help control striga.
  3. 20/10/2007 Overstory Issue 188 (about accelerated natural regeneration, or ANR) included information about weeding in forests. Here we share an excerpt on reducing competition with weeds.
  4. 20/01/2017 Both in Ethiopia and in the countries of East Africa, the continuing proliferation and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is now recognized as a serious problem, which needs to be addressed. While this situation has improved dramatically over the past 10 years, further progress has been...
  5. 20/01/2017 Despite the significant impacts of alien plant species (IAS), there has not been a concerted effort to tackle the problem across the region. This can mainly be ascribed to a lack of policy, little awareness and limited capacity at a national and regional level. The UN Environment-Global...
  6. 20/01/2017 Cradled between the Aberdare Mountains and Mount Kenya, Laikipia County is a land-use model for arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya. Its unique combination of large-scale ranches and community-owned lands host wildlife populations unrivalled in other parts of Kenya. Laikipia hosts the highest...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video A estriga parasita causa mais danos às culturas de cereais em solos pobres, por isso ambos os problemas devem ser enfrentados em conjunto. Neste vídeo, aprenderemos por que é importante combinar pelo menos três métodos de controle para reduzir a estriga e, assim,...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video O manejo eficiente de ervas daninhas pode aumentar a produtividade em mais de 50%, mas isso geralmente leva muito tempo. Como agricultor, portanto, vale a pena investir em ferramentas de manejo de ervas daninhas que poupam trabalho. Com este vídeo, você aprende...
  9. 01/01/2007 Este folheto oferece uma visão geral das principais medidas não-químicas a tomar na protecção das culturas contra as pragas. A maior parte das medidas são preventivas e envolvem planeamento e práticas de cultivo que reduzirão o número de pragas e os danos que causam. Abrange os insectos, ácaros,...
  10. Abstract ,Crop Protection, 2015 Weeds are a hidden foe for crop plants, interfering with their functions and suppressing their growth and development. Yield losses of 34% are caused by weeds among the major crops, which are grown worldwide. These yield losses are higher than the losses caused by...