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7 items found ( Showing 1 - 7)
  1. Roland Bunch Now available through Amazon as well as the ECHO Bookstore Smallholder farmers around the world face some of the harshest growing conditions globally, yet they produce the majority of the world’s food. Soils in these areas often lack nutrient and water holding capacities, due to erosion or poor...
    631.874 BUN
  2. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  3. Toby Hemenway Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...
    635.048 HEM
  4. Roland Bunch Strong gradients of decreasing soil fertility are found in many regions of the world. Millions of smallholders are now facing this serious crisis which causes them lower crop yields, and many of these families also suffer from food insecurity. With the aim of promoting recovering soil fertility...
    631.874 BUN | SB.043
  5. Edited by Kenneth C. Gross, Chien Yi Wang, and Mikal Saltveit Agriculture Handbook 66 (AH-66) represents a complete revision and major expansion of the 1986 edition. It has been reorganized and now includes 17 Chapters and 138 Commodity Summaries written by nearly a hundred experts in plant science and postharvest technology. This version, like the previous...
  6. Mark R. Elliott This publication addresses definitions, greenhouse gardening benefits, the Mittleider Method of cultivation practiced at the Zaoksky farm where the training took place, and specifics of greenhouse best practices including size; design; placement; orientation; foundation construction; framing;...
    635 ELL
  7. Norman Uphoff, et. al. 764 pp : with charts Books in soils, plants and the environment, Vol. 113 Global agriculture is now at the crossroads. The Green Revolution of the last century is losing momentum. Rates of growth in food production are now declining, with land and water resources becoming scarcer, while world...
    621.4 UPH

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