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From September 20-26, Servants In Faith and Technology (SIFAT; sifat.org/) held a Food Security and Agroecology training at their demonstration farm in La Tigra, San Carlos, Costa Rica. Participants from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Haiti started each day with prayer and meditation together. Themes of community development included practical on-farm trainings and visits. 

Typical agroecological practices on the SIFAT demonstration farm showcased biological agents for pest control and soil improvement like “mountain microorganisms” and biochar. On-farm experimentation by the National Agricultural University of Honduras showed the practical implementation of these practices while characterizing their role in the agroecology of local farms. 

Reforestation and nursery management training, with multi-generations taking part in the Ecological Grandmother program showed effective and inclusive tree planting in Costa Rica.This program [http://edn.link/9h4drt] showed the importance of all generations working together. Small-scale farm entrepreneurship highlighted concerns of successful women’s cooperatives and family enterprises as well as environmental education. The Costa Rican Ministry of Agriculture reminded attendees of the positive role governments play with the environment and peace as priorities. Special presentations from Nicaragua “Development is from the Heart” and the experiences from SIFAT Haiti encouraged participants. The content of the event covered not only organic agricultural production but also simple nutritional responses to hunger through workshops on leafy greens such as a class on preparing Brazilian spinach.

SIFAT is building an Appropriate Technology center to expand training in Latin America and the Caribbean. It was a rewarding time of fellowship, prayer, and belonging to a diverse group of people, while always remembering the 13,400 children under five who die daily of hunger-related causes (UNIGME, 2024).


United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality. 2024. Estimation (UNIGME), Levels & Trends in Child Mortality: Report 2023. United Nations Children’s Fund. New York, USA.