Amaranth to Zai Holes Chapter 5. Farming Systems and Gardening Techniques
Published: 1996-10-19

Many small farmers must grow their crops on small tracts of marginal land, which may be dry or hilly or remote. These difficult growing conditions require special techniques suited to the situation. This chapter contains some ideas which can be adapted for local circumstances.
Most of the ideas in ECHO Development Notes are concerned with sustainable agriculture, that which promotes a wise and creative use of resources to provide food and employment for the long term. People growing in marginal situations can benefit from networking, learning about techniques which have met with success both locally and in distant areas with similar challenges. We list training opportunities and publications which offer guiding principles and ideas to implement for sustainable food production. Please let us know of similar local groups which have been helpful to you.
Dryland Techniques and Mulches
- Zai Holes Harness Termites to Increase Crop Yields
- Grass Mulch: An Innovative Way of Gardening in the Dry Tropics
- Colored Plastic Mulches
- Thick Mulch for No-Till Gardens
- Rice Hull Mulch
Hillside Techniques
- Innovative Methods of Terracing
- SALT Project (Sloping Agricultural Land Technology)
- How to Make and Use an A-Frame
- Book Review: Sembradores de Esperanza: Conservar para Cultivar y Vivir
- Book Review: Cuidemos Nuestra Tierra
- Intercropping of Sugar Cane
- Egusi Can Reduce Weeds in Corn
- Striga Controlled in Pearl Millet by Intercropping with Cowpea
Sustainable Systems: Resources and Training Opportunities
- Book Review: Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
- A Resource List from ATTRA
- Book Review: Extension and Education Materials for Sustainable Agriculture
- Book Review: Farming for the Future: An Introduction to Low-External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
- ILEIA Newsletter on Low-External-Input Agriculture
- French Books on Tropical Agriculture
- Magazine Review: Les Quatre Saisons du Jardinage
- IIRR (International Institute of Rural Reconstruction) Publications
- Book Review: A Guide to Spanish-Language Sustainable Ag Publications
- Book Review: How to Grow More Vegetables...
- Natural Farming Network
- Organic Farming for Sustainability in East Africa
- The PELUM Association
- Organic Matters, A Networking Newsletter in the Philippines
- Book Review: Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics
- Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture
- Internships in Regenerative Agriculture
- "Sustainable Agriculture: Principles and Practices" Course
- "Sustainable Development for the World" Courses
- Correspondence Course on Plant Propagation