Burning Neem Oil for Malaria Control
Moringa for Emergency Water Treatment
Exceptional Impact of a Novel Approach to Reforestation in Sub- Saharan Africa—an Update
Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS): A case study from Kenya
Burning Neem Oil for Malaria Control
Dawn Berkelaar
In an experiment reported in the Indian Journal of Malariology (33: 81-87), authors M.A. Ansari and R.K. Razdan describe how burning 1% neem oil in kerosene lamps from dusk to dawn resulted in the movement of the mosquito Anopheles culicifacies (a carrier of the malaria pathogen) from living rooms to cattlesheds. As a result, the incidence of malaria in experimental villages dropped significantly.
Exceptional Impact of a Novel Approach to Reforestation in Sub- Saharan Africa—an Update.
Tony Rinaudo
FMNR is a form of tree coppicing and hence depends on the presence of living tree stumps that resprout after cutting.
Moringa for Emergency Water Treatment
Beth Doerr
Seeds of Moringa oleifera can be used to treat water in an emergency or disaster situation. Studies since the early 1970’s have found the seeds to be highly effective in removing suspended particles from water with medium to high levels of turbidity.
Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS): A case study from Kenya
Larry Yarger
Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS) is a way to disinfect water by using ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun to destroy harmful microorganisms.