Introduction of Maize Hybrids to Areas Currently Using Open-Pollinated Varieties
Collards Can Protect Cabbage From Diamondback Caterpillars
An Impressive Moringa Project in Senegal
Where to Get Seed After a Disaster
An Impressive Moringa Project in Senegal
Lowell Fuglie
ECHO and others have published articles about the many uses, nutritional content and hardiness of this drought-resistant "vegetable tree." This report contains valuable technical information and adds an important human face by reporting results of an evaluation of the project and interviews with people who have benefited from it.
Collards Can Protect Cabbage From Diamondback Caterpillars
Martin L. Price
The diamondback caterpillar, Plutella xylostella, (larva of a moth) is a very serious pest of cabbage and other crops.
When highly fertilized collard greens (B. oleracea, Acephala Group), a related vegetable, are planted completely around a field, moths lay their eggs on the collards rather than on the adjacent cabbage plants.
Introduction of Maize Hybrids to Areas Currently Using Open-Pollinated Varieties
Darrell Cox and Martin Price
In Honduras, after Hurricane Mitch, several NGO's working with small farmers were concerned that cross-pollination occurring between the hybrid maize variety and existing open-pollinated varieties would reduce yields of both traditional varieties and the new, improved open-pollinated varieties in subsequent years.
Where to Get Seed After a Disaster
Martin L. Price
Suggestions for providing seeds to farmers after disasters.