True Potato Seed Has Many Advantages
A Story Involving Vetiver Grass
Update on Your Bat Control Suggestion
Mike Benge on Bat Houses
Carl Campbell on cashew mildew
Leaf Cutter Ant Control with Sweet Potato
How are allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves propagated?
Farming by the Stars in the Andes
Our Experience with Bat Control
True Potato Seed Has Many Advantages
Potatoes do produce seeds, so to help distinguish these from "seed potatoes" the seeds are called "true potato seeds" (TPS). It takes only 160 grams of TPS to seed one hectare (2.3 ounces/acre) and half that amount if seeds are used for transplants. That compares with over 2,000 pounds/acre of seed tubers.
Update on Your Bat Control Suggestion
We tried the suggestion of hanging plastic over the openings where the bats were getting in, so that they can get out but not back in. It worked!
Mike Benge on Bat Houses
Mike Benge, USAID, suggests building bat houses before evicting bats from attics.
Carl Campbell on Cashew Mildew
Wherever climatic conditions lead to mildew on mango, it is likely to occur on cashew as well.
How are allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves propagated?
Question from Chester Brinser (World Relief Nicaragua) . Reply by Danny Blank, nursery manager at ECHO.
Farming by the Stars in the Andes
For centuries, Andean farmers in Peru and Bolivia have monitored the brightness of the Pleiades stars to determine when to plant potato crops for optimal rainfall. Now scientists have validated the farmers’ weather forecasting methods.
A Story Involving Vetiver Grass
Vetiver grass has such a strong root system it was used to anchor a winch for pulling a vehicle out of a ravine.
Leaf Cutter Ant Control with Sweet Potato
A method to protect gardens from leaf cutter ants (Atta sp.) using sweet potatoes.
Our Experience with Bat Control
One way to prevent bats in the attic is to caulk all the holes with a putty we made ourselves.