Enthusiasm for SRI (System of Rice Intensification)
The Effect of Aluminum in Acidic Soils on Plant Growth
Questions for ECHO? Read This First!
Moringa stenopetala, Pigeon Pea, Soybean, African Okra
The Effect of Aluminum in Acidic Soils on Plant Growth
Edward Berkelaar
Soil acidity, or low pH, limits plant growth in many parts of the world. Although low pH can harm plants in many ways, this article will deal only with one of these factors, aluminum (Al) toxicity. Al is the third most abundant element on the earth (after oxygen and silicon), and the most abundant metal, making up 8.1 % of the earth’s crust. It is especially prevalent in clay. It becomes toxic to plants only under certain conditions.
Questions for ECHO? Read This First!
Every Wednesday, six to eight ECHO staff meet to discuss the letters and e-mails we have received with requests for information or advice. “Technical Requests” is the term we use for the questions those of you in our “network” encounter as you work with small-scale farmers and urban gardeners. Responding to these requests is an important part of our ministry, and some of our staff spend a great deal of time researching answers. We thought it might be helpful and interesting for you if we shared the way we process technical requests.
Enthusiasm for SRI (System of Rice Intensification)
Roland Bunch
Some feedback from an article about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Moringa stenopetala, Pigeon Pea, Soybean, African Okra
Daniel Sonke
Descriptions of several varieties available from ECHO.