Harvesting and Drying Considerations for Quality Moringa Leaf Powder
Echoes from our Network: Options for Snail Control
From ECHO's Seed Bank: Jute Mallow ‘Thai‘
Books, Websites, and Other Resources: ECHOcommunity Mobile App – Plant Records Tutorial
Harvesting and Drying Considerations for Quality Moringa Leaf Powder
Tim Motis
The ability to store moringa powder allows people to benefit from moringa during times such as the dry season when moringa trees are less productive. This article expands on an earlier ECHO publication (Doerr and Cameron, 2005), summarizing factors before and during drying that influence the quality of moringa leaf powder. It also discusses drying methods and practical ways to optimize post-harvest processing for improved nutritional quality.
Options for Snail Control
ECHO Network Members
ECHO’s agricultural staff often receive questions about ways to control snails naturally. This article shares some practical, low-resource options for control from OISAT and two ECHO Network Members.
Jute Mallow ‘Thai‘
Robert Walle
Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) is used for fiber but is also an edible annual leafy green. The ‘Thai’ variety is shorter, has more branching, and has more tender, smaller leaves compared to varieties used primarily for fiber.