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Getting Bats out of the Attic

I Know the Protein Content of a Dry Forage.

How Do I Calculate What It Would Be When I Feed It Green?

What Services Does ECHO Offer to Its "Network?" 

Farmers and Fish Love Cocoa

Rapid Multiplication of Banana Plants in the Field

Plant-Insect Communication


I Know the Protein Content of a Dry Forage. How Do I Calculate What It Would Be When I Feed It Green?

Ivan Barineau & Daniel Sonke

How to calculate protein content of fresh forage.

Getting Bats out of the Attic

Daniel Sonke and Jason Dahlman

Advice on removing and preventing bats from roosting in an attic.

Farmers and Fish Love Cocoa

Researchers in the piscicultural research unit of IRAD in Cameroon, working in a rural setting, developed a fish food partially made from powdered cocoa fruit husks.

Rapid Multiplication of Banana Plants in the Field

A practical way to increase the number of banana suckers.

Plant-Insect Communication

Kristin Davis

In a study done by the University of Georgia, scientists showed that plants send out very specific signals for parasitic wasps to come to their aid when under attack by herbivores.