Techniques For Storing Onions
Kerosene Emulsifiable Concentrate Insecticide
New Disease-Resistant Banana Hybrids Available
Seed For Sorghum That Is Resistant To Striga Is Available From ECHO
Katuk, Sauropus Androgynous, A Great Vegetable For The Hot, Humid Tropics (With A Caution)
New Disease-Resistant Banana Hybrids Available
Daniel Sonke and Phil Rowe
Dr. Phil Rowe, with the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research (FHIA), has developed two robust hybrid bananas that are resistant to Black Sigatoka. These new hybrids are also resistant to Panama disease and tolerant of nematodes.
Seed For Sorghum That Is Resistant To Striga Is Available From ECHO
A striga resistant sorghum has been developed. In addition the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, may help control striga.
Kerosene Emulsifiable Concentrate Insecticide
Kerosene Emulsifiable Concentrate is an insecticide (at times it acts as a fungicide) which has a very wide spectrum as far as dealing with various insects is concerned.
Katuk, Sauropus Androgynous, A Great Vegetable For The Hot, Humid Tropics (With A Caution)
Martin L. Price
Katuk, Sauropus androgynous, is an excellent vegetable for hot, humid climates. It has a pleasant peanut-like taste when eaten raw and the cooked leaves taste excellent as spinach.
Techniques For Storing Onions
Successful onion storage is the outcome of a process which begins at the crop planning stage and which continues through cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest handling right through to sale of onions to the consumer.
Better Butter - A Recipe
Martin L. Price
During a recent visit to missionaries Scott and Jody Daby in Haiti, I especially enjoyed the fresh bread and real butter they served.