Factors that Impact Seed Germination
Echoes From our Network: Moringa Spacing Considerations
From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Clay Beads for Drying and Preserving Seeds
Books, Websites, and Other Resources: Aprovecho.org- Information on Fuel-Efficient Cookstoves
Factors that Impact Seed Germination
ECHO Staff and Network Members
Crops in ECHO’s seed banks are selected for their ability to grow under difficult growing conditions and for their potential importance for the smallholder farmer. ECHO’s seeds are tested annually for germination percentage, a measure of seed viability. The germination percentage written on ECHO seed packets is based on this annual testing. It is calculated from a sample and cannot be guaranteed. This article explains factors that impact germination, drawing on input from ECHO staff and network members with experience in seed banking and seed saving.
Moringa Spacing Considerations
Noah Elhardt and Èmile Diouf (Beer Sheba Project) and Stacy Swartz
At the Beer Sheba Project in Senegal, Moringa oleifera is grown for both leaf and seed production. Managers of the moringa plots have tried different spacing options over time and would like to share their thoughts on the frequently asked question, “What spacing should I use for moringa?”.
Clay Beads for Drying and Preserving Seeds
Guinevere Perry, PhD
This article summarizes work being done at ECHO in Florida to develop a method for small-scale farmers and community seed banks to make their own desiccant to dry and preserve seeds. The three main requirements are clay, wood ash, and a way to heat the beads.
Aprovecho.org: Information on Fuel-Efficient Cookstoves
Robert Walle
Those seeking wood-burning stove options can find helpful information at the Aprovecho website. The Aprovecho Research Center (ARC) invented the now familiar “rocket stove,” progressing much further since the original design.