The goal of most agricultural development is to improve people's nutrition, with an increase in quality, quantity, and diversity of food produced. Each issue of ECHO Development Notes discusses plants and techniques which can enable farmers to produce more food of higher nutritional value. Beyond increased production of more nutritious crops, there is much to be done to improve nutrition. It is important to know about food preparations which enhance nutrition, and some recipes to make new plants palatable and appealing.
Another major area deserving attention is protecting food during storage. Significant percentages of harvested foods are lost to pests and spoilage. Improved techniques for protecting and preserving products can have a tremendous impact on available food supplies and nutrition during seasonal food shortages. This chapter offers ideas on improving nutrition through new methods of food storage and preparation.
- Technical Note: "A Beginner's Guide to Nutrition on the Small Farm"
- Nutrition Research Program
- A Simple Way to Improve Starchy "Weaning Foods"
- Can the Trypsin Inhibitor in Soybeans be Overcome by Germinating the Seeds?
- Relative Nutrient Values of Fruits
- A New Idea for an Emergency Milk Substitute in West Africa
- Moringa and Carotene
- Leaf Concentrate
- Book Review: Valor Nutritivo y Usos en Alimentacion Humana de Algunos Cultivos Autoctonos Subexplotados de Mesoamerica
- Booklet Review: Toxicity and Food Security: A review of health effects of cyanide exposure from cassava and of ways to prevent these effects
- Sweet and Bitter Cassava and Cyanide Content
- Are Raw Vegetables More Nutritious Than Cooked Ones?
Storage and Preservation
- Is Morning Always the Best Time to Harvest Vegetables and Herbs?">
- Insects in Tropical Stores (A Poster)
- Use of Vegetable Oils to Protect Stored Beans From Bruchid Beetle Attack
- Banana Juice Protects Seeds From Insects
- The Simplest Way to Control Bean Beetles
- Appropriate Technology Juice Pasteurizer
- Large Capacity Solar Rice Dryer
- Wood Ash to Preserve Tomatoes for Months
- Cashew Fruit Drying and Nut Processing
Food Preparation
- Breadfruit Bread
- Storing Cooked Eggs
- What is the Hot Pepper Aroma...
- Pineapple Juice Shortens Cooking Time of Beans
- Squash Catsup
- Prepare Diffusion-Processed Sweet Potato at Home
- How Are Winged Beans Cooked?
- Winged Bean Recipes
- Food Cycle Technology Sourcebooks
- Book Review: Cultivos Andinos Subexplotados y Su Aporte a la Alimentacion
- Book Review: Manual Sobre Utilizacion de los Cultivos Andinos