Insect Pest Management: Options for Controlling Pest Populations
From ECHO's Seed Bank: Everglades (Wild) Tomato
Echoes from our Network: Acacia angustissima Farming Improvement Experience
Books, Websites, and Other Resources: Soy Kit as an Appropriate Technology for Women Entrepreneurs - A Review
Acacia angustissima Farming Improvement Experience
Paul Noren
Deforestation, overused soils, increasing competition for land, and climate change have made subsistence farming in much of Central Africa a precarious occupation. Malnutrition is on the rise, and local economies have declined in many places. The use of leguminous trees in agroforestry systems addresses these problems. ECHO network member Paul Noren shares his experience promoting a unique agroforestry rotation in Congo, Central Africa.
Insect Pest Management: Options for Controlling Pest Populations
Stacy Swartz
One of the most critical decisions a farmer makes during a growing season is how to effectively control pests to preserve the productivity and economic value of a crop. A farmer’s reaction to seeing pests in their crops or grain is to intervene to protect his or her livelihood. The first two articles in this IPM series focused on preventative pest management strategies and observing pest populations to determine when to intervene. This article will discuss suppressive strategies to reduce pest populations once you have decided to intervene.
Everglades (Wild) Tomato
Holly Sobetski
The wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium) is a different species than the standard tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), though the two species are cross-compatible, meaning they can cross-pollinate and produce viable offspring. Wild tomatoes produce many hands/bunches of tiny fruit on very large, sprawling plants that live up to their name.