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MissionAssist produces a wide range of adult literacy booklets in four widely used languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. They cover a range of subjects from health and hygiene to crafts, farming and practical issues like simple construction techniques. 

Books in English can be downloaded directly from this website, using the links on the pictures below; most books are available in the other languages and MissionAssist is currently revising the titles which are not yet translated into the other languages and uploading them as they become available.

If desired, MissionAssist can also supply them, free of charge, as MS Word files or in other ways (such as the use of CDs, DVDs or USB sticks). MissionAssist also accepts requests for producing specific booklets if nothing in the existing range meets your needs.

These are Shell Book titles in English relating to information and education.

64 Issues in this Publication (Showing 41 - 50) |

Animals - Penguins - 15.07.2023

Penguins are birds that cannot fly. They have feet which are shaped like flippers that they use when swimming. They live in the Southern Hemisphere.

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2023 MissionAssist

All About Animals - Kangaroos - 15.07.2023

Kangaroos are only found in Australia and New Guinea. They are very unusual animals which have very strong back legs and tail and very short forearms. They move by hopping forwards on their back legs. They use their tails as a third leg. They can’t move backwards.

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2023 MissionAssist
The story ‘Sleepy Mr Sloth’ was created by Book Dash and is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4.0 license.

Insects: Black Soldier Flies - 26.04.2023

This book describes how to set up a black soldier fly farm which can use household waste to provide a continuous supply of low-cost but high-protein animal feed.

Part of a series of books about insects:
The Complex World of Insects
Controlling Insect Pests by Natural Means
Edible Insects
Bugs and Beans for Breakfast?
Crickets — the New Cattle?
Black Soldier Flies and How to Farm Them

It uses material from the public domain
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2023 MissionAssist

Co-operatives - 09.06.2022

This book describes the steps involved in setting up and running a co-operative enterprise and looks at some examples in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.

Compiled from information available in the public domain
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2022 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2022 MissionAssist

O Valor do Aprendizado pela Vida: Livrinho 4 - 26.04.2022

Esse livrinho, o quarto numa série de quatro, foca no papel do líder na coordenação dos trabalhos de um grupo.

Outros livrinhos nesta série:

Livrinho 1: O Valor do Aprendizado pela Vida: Um Panorama Geral

Livrinho 2: Aprendizado Individualizado

Livrinho 3: Aprendizado em grupo

Inspirada por um artigo em Footsteps 90, a publicação para alfabetização da Tearfund, esta série de livrinhos se utiliza da perspicácia de dois experientes professores, que atualmente prestam serviços voluntários à MissionAssist. Ilustrações da MissionAssist Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2024 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados © 2024 MissionAssist

Lifelong Learning: Book 1 - 26.04.2022

This book, the first in a series of four, shows just how valuable life-long learning can be and describes different ways of learning; the later books give more detail of those learning methods

Other books in the series
Book 2: One-to-one learning
Book 3: Learning in a group
Book 4: Leading a group
Inspired by an article in Footsteps 90, the literacy publication of Tearfund, this series of books also draws on the insights of two experienced teachers now volunteering with MissionAssist.
Illustrations by MissionAssist

Lifelong Learning: Book 2 - 26.04.2022

This book, the second in a series of four on the value of life-long learning, looks at teaching and learning on a one-to-one basis.

Other books in the series
Book 1: Life-long learning: An overview
Book 3: Learning in a group
Book 4: Leading a group
Inspired by an article in Footsteps 90, the literacy publication of Tearfund, this series of books also draws on the insights of two experienced teachers now volunteering with MissionAssist.
Illustrations by MissionAssist

Lifelong Learning: Book 3 - 26.04.2022

This book, third in a series of four on the value of life-long learning, looks in detail at learning in a group.

Other books in the series
Book 1: Life-long learning: An overview
Book 2: One-to-one learning
Book 4: Leading a group
Inspired by an article in Footsteps 90, the literacy publication of Tearfund, this series of books also draws on the insights of two experienced teachers now volunteering with MissionAssist.
Illustrations by MissionAssist

Ключевые слова

Shell Books