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View and download presentations and resources from ECHO Asia conferences, forums, workshops and classes.




Recent Events:

2016 Myanmar Agriculture and Community Development Workshop

ECHO Asia 2016 Myanmar Workshop

The Myanmar Agriculture and Community Development Workshop was held February 2-5, 2016 in  Pyin Oo Lwin, outside of Mandalay Myanmar.

Tropical Lowlands

Tropical lowland regions are characterized by high humidity and annual rainfall. Lowlands exist around the world in microclimates but predominate areas of South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, and Coastal regions of the tropics. One of the main agricultural concerns for lowland regions is dealing with waterlogged soils and related plant pathogens.

An Introduction to ECHO Asia’s Services - Dr. Abram J Bicksler, ECHO Asia

An Introduction to ECHO Asia’s Services
A brief overview of the history of ECHO Asia, its purpose and goals, and the services it offers to development practitioners working in Asia.

Foundations for Farming & Gassifier Stoves - Boonsong Thansrithong, ECHO Asia

Foundations for Farming & Gassifier Stoves
In this talk Boonsong presents two appropriate techniques for sustainable land use: foundations for farming (a method of conservation agriculture) and gasifier stoves (which help produce biochar that can be used as a soil amendment). Boonsong gives step-by-step principles and methods for each.

Green Manure Management Towards Climate Smart Agriculture - Dr. Su Su Win, Department of Agriculture Research, Yezin

Green Manure Management Towards Climate Smart Agriculture
The history and potential of utilizing green manure cover crops (GMCCs) in sustainable small-scale agriculture. In this talk, Dr. Win also shares Yezin’s research on the GMCC Gliricidia. 

Growing Potato by Hybrid True Potato Seeds - CSSDD

Growing Potato by Hybrid True Potato Seeds
An explanation of hybrid true potato seeds, their advantages over tubers, and methods for growing

Introduction to Vegetable Grafting - Dr. Abram J Bicksler, ECHO Asia

Introduction to Vegetable Grafting
An explanation of what vegetable grafting is, considerations that should be made, and step-by-step methods graft vegetables

Local Future - Peter, CSSDD

Local Future
A reflection on the current situation concerning rural agriculture and community development in Myanmar, as well as some possible considerations for moving forward.

Plant Propagation - Boonsong Thansrithong, ECHO Asia

Plant Propagation
An introduction to fruit tree propagation and overview of various techniques such as air layering, budding, grafting, and topping. 

Production of Beuvaria as an Integrated Pest Management Method - Kittichai Sampunsinkor, ECHO Asia

Production of Beuvaria as an Integrated Pest Management Method
In this talk, Kittichai gives an overview of integrated pest management (IPM) and one IPM technique, the use of fungi beuveria as a natural insecticide. Kittichai shares how beuveria can be replicated and used in community development projects

Surveying Underutilized Crops - Dr. Abram J Bicksler, ECHO Asia

Surveying Underutilized Crops
A presentation on utilizing local food knowledge in the context of community development. The need for agrobiodiversity and the potential of “neglected and underutilized species” to address current problems. This presentation also discusses methods for surveying and identifying underutilized...

2015 Cambodia Seed Saving Workshop

Cambodia Seed Saving Workshop 2015 Resources

Resources from the Cambodia Seed Saving Workshop held on December 2-3 at Ntuk Nti Farm, Cambodia

ECHO Asia, in conjunction with International Cooperation Cambodia (ICC) and Ntuk Nti, with funding from the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA) held a seed saving workshop in Sen Monorem, Mondulkiri on December 2-3, 2015.

Topics covered include: NGO and community- level appropriate seed banking techniques, seed saving best practices, an introduction to seed systems, seed systems PRA methodologies, and recent research findings.

Biology of Seed Saving - Abram Bicksler Ph.D.

Biology of Seed Saving
An introduction to plant and seed biology, including pollination, germination, multiplication, selection, isolation, and how to select seed.

Vegetable Card Sorts - Taylor Cantril

Vegetable Card Sorts
Taylor presents findings from ECHO, Ntuk Nti, and ICC's recent research project about local seed systems. In this presentation he gives an overview of findings from vegetable cards sorts (identifying which vegetables are known, grown, used, and/or consumed) in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri, Cambodia.

Introduction to Neglected & Underutilized Species - Rebecca Garofano

Introduction to Neglected & Underutilized Species
Defining neglected and underutilized plant species, why they are important, how they relate to agro-biodiversity, and how they can be identified through the use of community surveys

Utilizing Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species - Rebecca Garofano

Utilizing Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species
This topic discusses neglected and underutilized plant species further, particularly as they relate to agriculture, gender, biodiversity, and nutrition and how they can be utilized by communities and farmers.

Conducting a Seed Swap - Abram Bicksler Ph.D.

Conducting a Seed Swap
A basic outline and breakdown on how to conduct a community-level seed exchange so that participants can implement one in their home communities and workplaces. 

Field and Garden Surveys - Taylor Cantril

Field and Garden Surveys
Taylor presents findings from ECHO, Ntuk Nti, and ICC's recent research project about local seed systems. In this presentation he gives an overview of field and garden transects in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri, Cambodia.

Improved Seed Storage - Ken Thompson

Improved Seed Storage
Ken presents findings from ECHO, Ntuk Nti, and ICC's recent research project about local seed systems. In this presentation, he gives an overview of improved seed storage methods developed during the project.

Village Seed Storage - . Taylor Cantril

Village Seed Storage
Taylor presents findings from ECHO, Ntuk Nti, & ICC's recent research project about local seed systems. In this presentation he gives an overview of current seed storage methods being used in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri, Cambodia.