In addition to adequate housing, feeding and health care, the systematic management of the flock size can improve the production of eggs and chickens for improved family nutrition and income. 2 Copies
This booklet reports on the effects of dietary additions of 10 and 20% velvet beans on growth, organ size, and blood chemistry of 0-3 week old male broiler chickens.
This book covers all the basics in a light and nontechnical guide, from housing and feeding through incubating, bringing up chicks, butchering, and raising chickens for show.
It covers what you need to know to raise chickens. It has a section on chicken breeds, as not all chickens are alike. Information on brooding and early care of the young chicks is provided. There is information on henhouse furniture, or what to have in the henhouse for the chickens. Feeding is...
A couple working six months per year for 50 hours per week on 20 acres can net $25,000-$30,000 per year with an investment equivalent to the price of one new medium-sized tractor. Seldom has agriculture held out such a plum. In a day when main-line farm experts predict the continued demise of the...
20.01.2010 Whether you are raising a couple of backyard chickens or a flock of one hundred, here is the only book you need to keep your birds healthy and safe. Filled with useful advice and practical know-how, Gail Damerow's trusted reference will guide you through every chicken situation, from hatching...
Seven helminth species were detected withHeterakisgallinarum(10.2%) andAscaridia galli(6.0%) been the most prevalent, whileCapillariaspecies was the least prevalent (0.8%). Physiological status, bird type, production purpose, farm age (years), presence of other animals in the farm, flock size...
01.01.1980 Backyard farmers interested in having a readily available source of eggs and meat are provided with nontechnical information on housing, feeding, raising and butchering chickens.