1. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science is the only journal devoted exclusively to the latest research in tropical and sub-tropical insect science. Each issue brings you original, peer-reviewed research findings on tropical insects and related arthropods, with special emphasis on their...
  2. 01.01.2005 This is a reference text bringing together available information on five Annona species, with the aim of identifying gaps in knowledge and thus research needs. With an accompanying extention manual, this will provide opportunities for noth resources-poor as well as small-scale commercial farmers...
  3. Key Resource 01.09.1984 Next to food, firewood is the most scarce item in developing countries. More than one third of the world is dependent upon firewood to supply their energy needs and ninety percent of the people in the poorest countries depend upon it as their chief source of fuel. What better way is there to...
  4. 01.01.2005 Livestock research and development work has tended to lag behind crop production work in the development and application of methods for participatory technology development. However, the case for participatory research is just as strong in relation to livestock as it is in relation to crops; and...
  5. The research reported in this working paper is part of a larger project that aims to assess the scope for and enhance the possibilities of the sustainable intensification of potato production in cereal-based cropping systems in the subtropical lowlands of Asia. Working paper, no. 1999-1
  6. 01.01.2009 This book is a compilation containing the extended abstracts of all the invited symposium presentations and abstracts of voluntarily submitted papers selected for oral presentation at the Technical Sessions of the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of the...
  7. 01.01.2005 A Handbook for Identification of Agroforestry Trees Growing at the ECHO Farm, 17391 Durrance Rd., N. Ft. Myers, FL 33917 Notebook. Illustrated, photos
  8. 01.01.1992 This proceedings compiles 27 papers presented and submitted for discussion during the 3 day workshop held in BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur in 1992. We hope that it will provide the much needed answers and information that would guide policymakers, researchers and extensionists in planning and...
  9. 01.01.1990 North and South are becoming more aware of how they are inseparately linked and of an increasing stifling physical and social environment marked by the greenhouse effect, an unstable climate, extreme overpopulation, the worldwide AIDS epidemic, debt, drugs, and war. The IDRC has been forging...
  10. 01.01.1994 Papers from the November 1992 symposium identify climatic, soil, and biological parameters that control water erosion processes, and summarize current research in the field of erosion modeling for rangeland conditions. They covers topics such as predicting disposition of eroded sediments within a...