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18 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Carl Lindblad & Laurel Druben This Peace Corps book provides information on the challenges of grain storage including drying methods, insects, rodents, moisture meters, and waterproofing. No page numbers, illustrated 2 copies
    633.104 LIN | FA.012
  2. Julia Frances Morton This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...
    634.091 MOR | PI.006
  3. Kokou Edoh Adabe [et al] A highly nutritious crop, cocoa constitutes a significant source of income for small-scale producers. Attractively presented, with full-colour illustrations, tables and step-by-step guides, the text clearly sets out the procedure to start growing cocoa. In addition to recommending a technical...
    613.284 ADA
  4. N.K.Rao et al Seeds conserved in genebanks are a vital and irreplaceable resource for safeguarding future agricultural options. The capacity of genebank staff to apply good standards for seed handling is hence of critical importance. This is the standard reference for genebank work and one of the few sources...
    631.52 RAO
  5. Gordon Boy & Arne Witt Invasive Alien Species (IAS) pose one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, agriculture, sustainable economic development and human and animal health on this planet. As a result of increased global trade and travel, invasive species have established themselves on every continent – not...
  6. Vernooy, R.; Bessette, G.; Otieno, G. (eds.) The Resilient Seed Systems Handbook Second Edition, developed by a multidisciplinary team of Bioversity International researchers and research partners, is a tool that supports research and capacity building on resilient seed systems in the context of adaptation to climate change. The first...
  7. Vernooy, R., Sthapit, B. and Bessette, G. Over three decades, a number of international and national organizations have provided technical and financial support to community seed banks around the world. Only a few of these organizations have developed and published a practical guide about how they have offered this support. This...
  8. Dr Delia Grace Foodborne disease matters for development. It is a major public health problem. It presents a barrier to countries that wish to export and to smallholder farmers who wish to sell produce in high value domestic markets. It is also a major concern of consumers. Most of the known health burden of...
  9. Edited by Kenneth C. Gross, Chien Yi Wang, and Mikal Saltveit Agriculture Handbook 66 (AH-66) represents a complete revision and major expansion of the 1986 edition. It has been reorganized and now includes 17 Chapters and 138 Commodity Summaries written by nearly a hundred experts in plant science and postharvest technology. This version, like the previous...
  10. McCaffrey, Daniel 72 pp : ill. [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] Scripta Horticulturae Number 14 Horticulture has an image problem. Most people—when they think about horticulture at all—think of the subject in small terms, as merely a pastime synonymous with gardening. This misconception devalues one of...
    633 MCC