The Members of the Coalition work together to lobby their national governments, European Union (EU) bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission) as well as other policy-formulating bodies/ agencies in Europe (e.g. the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the FAO in Rome) to explicitly recognise and support pastoralism (and the people who practise pastoralism: pastoralists) in the drylands of Eastern Africa.
Priority lobbying issues. In its activities to lobby and inform the EU and its Member States, CELEP chose at its outset to focus on:
- Recognition of pastoralism as a valuable & viable livelihood system that contributes to national & regional economies, food security, employment & sustainable management of natural resources
- Mobility as a crucial condition for sustainable pastoralism and for community security in conflict areas, also across national borders
- Pastoralists’ rights of access to and management of natural resources (land, vegetation, water etc), also as a contribution to community security in conflict areas
- Pastoralism as a positive example of resilience in adapting to climate change.