1. Trees for the Future is dedicated to ending extreme hunger and poverty across Sub-Saharan Africa by revitalizing degraded lands using the Forest Garden Approach. The Forest Garden Approach, developed by Trees for the Future, diversifies farming systems with trees and food crops that meet...
  2. 2012-01-20 This manual was prepared to assist USAID-Inma field staff in working with cooperating growers. It does not cover all issues or answer all questions. The USAIDInma horticulture team or Ministry of Agriculture specialists can be consulted to answer additional questions. Onions clearly represent an...
  3. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting the Climate cHange II (Ja REEACH II) project is pleased to share with you to this “Farmers Handbook for Onion Production.” This handbook was developed to equip you our stakeholders...
  4. TheDevelopment Experience Clearinghouse(DEC) is theU.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) online repository for materials documenting its nearly half century offering internationalhumanitarian aidand economic, agricultural, trade, health, and democratic support. Established in 1975, the...
  5. ECHO Florida and ECHO Asia both have on-campus libraries. These libraries are not lending libraries. Their books are only available locally. However, aportion of the books listed in the ECHOcommunity Book Searchare available as downloads from various sources on the Internet. Books identified as...