hii Region haipo kwenye lugha yako, kuangalia kwa: English (en), Español (es),
au tumia ufasiri wa google:  

In August of 2014, ECHO established the Latin America/Caribbean Regional Impact Team. The goals of this team are to:

  • Make appropriate technical information more widely available among persons and organizations who serve to alleviate hunger and improve the lives of small-scale farmers.
  • Increase the awareness of regionally important crops, animal breeds and farming systems by seeking out, sharing and promoting effective indigenous innovations related to food sufficiency and poverty alleviation.
  • Increase the availability of seeds of select regionally important crops among development workers, encourage regional seed saving and sharing and determine the availability of other significant plant material.
  • Encourage networking and information sharing among development workers in each region.


Email Address:


17391 Durrance Road
North Fort Myers, FL 33917
United States of America

Telephone: +1.239.567.3322

Latin America / Caribbean Visasisho

Umulikaji wa Mwanachama wa Jumuiya ya ECHO: Bwana Tuntun na Thaung Si 2020-04-08

Dondoo kutoka kwa ripoti ya Patrick Trail - ECHO Asia

Ninapotembea shambani na Bwana Tuntun vijijini Myanmar, siwezi kujisaidia lakini kutabasamu anaponionyesha kwa kiburi biochar ambayo sasa anatengeneza na hutumia katika mchanganyiko wa chungu chake cha miche ya miti ya matunda.  Badala ya kuchoma, sasa anageuza taka zake za kikaboni kutoka shamba kuwa rasilimali muhimu ambayo inaweza kutumika kuleta mazao zaidi, badala ya kupoteza kaboni yake kwenda kwa anga kupitia moshi.


Karibu mwaka mmoja uliopita, Bwana Tuntun alihudhuria Warsha ya Kuokoa Mbegu huko Pyin Oo Lwin na kujifunza jinsi ya kutengeneza biochar wakati wa moja ya vikao vya mikono.  Mara moja alirudi nyumbani na kujaribu mwenyewe, na amefanikiwa sana.  Bwana Tuntun sasa hata ni mwenyeji wa ukurasa wa facebook ambapo anashiriki mbinu zake za kilimo na wakulima wengine wanaozungumza Kiburma, akielezea mitindo kama biochar, miongoni mwa mingine!


Thaung Si and TunTun

Thaung Si (kushoto) na Tuntun (kulia) wakionyesha mbegu ya maharagwe ya upanga ambayo ilitoka katika Benki ya Mbegu ya Asia ya ECHO na sasa inakuzwa ili kusambaza benki hiyo ya mbegu huko Myanmar.

Mengi ya yaliyotokea hapa yanatokana na mshirika wetu muhimu katika eneo hili, Bwana Thaung Si.  Kama rafiki wa muda mrefu na mshirika wa ECHO Asia, Thaung Si amejiunga nasi kwa hafla za mafunzo mara kadhaa na tumejifunza mengi kutoka kwake pia.  Miaka mitatu iliyopita alianzisha Benki ya Mbegu ya Jamii kwenye Seminari ya Theolojia ya Lisu Baptist.  Kupitia benki yake ya mbegu anafundisha wanafunzi kilimo na mazoea ya bustani, na amegusa kwa kiwango kikubwa maisha mengi, akipanda mbegu za aina nyingi tofauti.  Ilikuwa hapa Bwana Tuntun na wakulima wengine karibu mia moja na washiriki walipata mafunzo hayo ya Biochar na mbinu zingine mwaka jana, na Thaung Si anayafuatilia mara kwa mara.

Jumuiya ya ECHO ina washirika wengi waliojitolea kama Thaunag Si katika eneo lote, na kote ulimwenguni.  Washirika hawa, wanapotayarishwa vizuri, wanaweza kutayarisha wengine wengi zaidi!

Rasilimali za karibuni: Latin America and Caribbean

Kuhusu Latin America / Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region of deep contrasts. Over the past two decades there has been substantial social and economic growth, enabling some to make the leap from poverty and vulnerability to stability and relative middle class comfort. Infrastructure in most large cities is modern with reliable transportation systems connecting centers of trade. The landscape is dotted with shopping centers that host well known American businesses.

However, beginning at the edges of the modern cities one can see the acute symptoms of a widespread and destructive force; the crushing weight of hopelessness in the rural villages that are home to nearly half of the region’s population. Every year hundreds of rural families abandon farming as their traditional survival strategies are no longer sufficient to support even a meager existence.

47 million people in the region suffer from hunger and malnutrition, mainly women and children.