Mabadiliko ya tofauti
Pili, hali ya baadaye ni tofauti sana kuliko hali ya sasa. kwamba watu na utamaduni lazima wabadilike ili kutekeleza kwa mafanikio. Mawazo na tabia mpya zinahitajika. Kwa kweli, mara nyingi viongozi na wafanyikazi lazima wabadilishe maoni yao ya ulimwengu hata kubuni siku zijazo zinazohitajika, achilia mbali kuifanya vizuri.
Bila hizi & ldquo; ndani & rdquo; mabadiliko ya mawazo na utamaduni, & ldquo; nje & rdquo; utekelezaji wa miundo mpya, mifumo, michakato au teknolojia haitoi ROI iliyokusudiwa. Kwa mfano, utekelezaji mkubwa wa IT unashindwa kwa sababu inahitaji mawazo na mabadiliko ya kitamaduni ambayo hayafanyiki, kwa mfano, mifumo mpya inahitaji watu kushiriki habari kupitia mipaka iliyoshikiliwa sana au kuweka mahitaji ya biashara juu ya ajenda zao. Bila mabadiliko haya ya tabia na tabia, watu hawatumii teknolojia kama ilivyoundwa na mabadiliko hayawezi kutoa ROI yake.
Kwa sababu mabadiliko yanaathiri watu kibinafsi, lazima uwashirikishe ili kupata msaada wao ; na mapema bora! & quot;
- Abstract, The Asbury Journal, 2012 How does theology and theoryinfonn evangelical international development initiatives? The present article answers this question by reviewing the creation and growth of the international development industry, by outlining the dominant theory in evangelical...
- Abstract, Ecology and Society, 2016 In 2014, the Third International Conference on the resilience of social-ecological systems chose the theme “resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation.” The conference aimed specifically at fostering an encounter between the experiences and...
- Transformation involves fundamental change, which in the context of sustainability, requires radical, systemic shifts in values and beliefs, patterns of social behavior, and multilevel governance and management regimes (Olssonet al.2014). Transformation has been described as a process with three...