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Some 3 billion people in the world live outside the cash economy in the world’s poorest nations. Food security and regular supply are their daily concerns. Chronic malnutrition is a leading cause of death and disease for them. Young children are amongst the most affected. One child every 5-10 seconds dies from undernutrition. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness for someone every minute. Most people in tropical and subtropical countries are iron deficient.

Our goal is to provide information that enables people to choose the right plant for their environment, to give them stable food production and a greater choice of plants to enrich their diets and improve their nutritional wellbeing.

The plant fact sheets listed in this collection are only a small portion of those available from FPI.   Please check your plant inquiries in the ECHO Search and reference the FPI plant database for further information.

Most of the plants selected to list here are further described in country-specific publications by Food Plant Solutions (FPS in the Search).


8000 Starchy Staples

7000 Legumes

6000 Leafy Greens

5000 Fruits

4000 Vegetables

3000 Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and other foods


948 Matoleo katika Chapisho hili (Inaonyesha masuala - ) |

Cissus quadrangularis

Edible: Leaves, Stems, Fruit, Seeds - oil

A climber with a fleshy four angled stem. It grows to 3 m long. It can be 10 m long. Leaves only occur on young shoots and the rest of the plant is leafless. The plant has tendrils by which it attaches to objects. These are opposite the leaves. The inner branches are thinner with a wavy edge, and these are constricted at the nodes. The leaves occur at the nodes. The leaves are simple, rounded and have teeth around the edges. Sometimes the leaves have 3 lobes. Leaves can be 20 cm long. The flowers are arranged in clusters. They are small and green or yellow. These clusters can be 5 cm long. The fruit is red to black and round. It can be 10 mm across.

A tropical plant. It occurs in the Ethiopian highlands. The minimum temperature is 15°C. In Thailand it occurs in forests and coastal regions. It grows in the hottest part of India. It grows in hot arid places. It grows between sea level and 1,950 m above sea level. It grows in woodland and savannah. It can grow in arid places. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common Names: Edible stemmed vine, Ali'e, Arugani, Asthisanhara, Athuku bachali, Bohocenou, Chaudhari, Chodhari, Chophi, Choudhari, Daddori, Hadijod, Hadjod, Hadjodi, Hadjora, Haraslata, Harbhanga, Harjora, Harsankari, Harzora, Hasjora, Itachovani, Kaktus manjat, Kan kaw, Kand-vel, Kandra, Karsankari, Kashikafa, Khandvel, Kiritti, Lidzambiso, Mabope, Mafumo, Mangaroli, Mangaroli, Mhais-vel, Murunjurunju, Muvengahonye, Nalleru, Naralai, Nofon, Nullerootigch, Patah tulang, Perandai keerai, Pirandai, Purundei codie, Renja, Renjam Itachovani, Repich-ingthun, Sam-roi-taw, San chakat, Shazaung-let-set, Sihlonhlwane, Suncaro, Umhlafutu, Vajravalli, Vedhari, Veldt-grape, Winged treebine


Cissus bifida Schumach. & Thonn.;
Cissus edulis Dalzell;
Cissus quadrangula L.;
Cissus quadrangula Salisb.;
Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt-Davy;
Cissus tetragona Harv.;
Cissus tetraptera Hook.f.;
Cissus triandra Schumach. & Thonn.;
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.;
Vitis succulenta Galpin

Clausena anisata

Edible: Fruit, Leaves, Root, Spice

A shrub or small tree. It grows 3-5 m high. It can reach 10 m. The trunk is 20 cm across. The trunk is straight and branches early. The crown is dense and round. The bark is greyish-brown and mottled. The leaves are alternate and compound. There are 10-17 pairs of leaflets and one at the end. The leaflets are 1-6 cm long by 0.6-2.5 cm wide. They are dark green and densely covered with gland dots. The flowers are small and white or yellow. They are 10 mm across. They occur in branched sprays. These can be 16 cm long. The fruit is round and fleshy. They are 7 mm across. They become red to black when mature.

A tropical plant. It grows in evergreen forest. It is in low altitude woodland and palm groves near streams. It suits high rainfall areas. In South Africa it grows from sea level to 2200 m altitude. It is a light demanding and drought tolerant tree. It grows in open land and around villages. In Sikkim it grows between 900-1,700 m above sea level.

Common Names: Horsewood, Clausena, Azizinma, Ewe kikani, Funata, Gbozohouin, Hong bi rung, Kaattminthiri, Hirmachayi, Limich, Limicho, Mkangano, Mokolokale, Muvengahonye, Muvhunambezo, Sanga, Sidemyok, Tchakatouma, Thapata chedi, Ulmayi, Umbangadloti, Umnikalampimba, Xirdhoo


Clausena abyssinica (Engl.) Engl.;
Clausena inequalis (DC.) Benth.;
Clausena willdenowii Wight & Arn. [Illegitimate];
and several others

Clerodendrum glandulosum

Edible: Leaves, Flowers

An evergreen shrub. It grows 3 m high and spreads 2 m wide. The stem is slender and erect. The crown is round. The leaves are broadly oval. They are heart shaped at the base. The flowers occur in dense heads. They are white and star shaped. They have long stamens. The fruit are blue and fleshy when ripe.

A tropical plant. It is best in well-drained, well-composted soils. It needs a protected sunny position. In Northeastern India it grows between 1,200-1,700 m above sea level. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Ping-khao, Anphui, Anpui, Doloin, Donggam, Jarem, Jylon, Jyrktung, Kaombi, Khahmao, Kuthap, Lansuo, Lukhna biphang, Mismau, Mpingbua, Nankar, Nefafu, Nephaphu, Oen, Ongin, Peau krimbua, Pejii-o, Pherklum, Phuihnam, Piduvu, Polo-O, Poto-ow, Shingebum, Tapin, Tippin, Wangpet, Zaub ntsuab tshws loj


Clerodendrum colebrookianum Walp.;
Clerodendrum ixoriflorum Hassk.;
Clerodendrum speciosissimum Schauer [Illegitimate];


Clerodendrum japonicum

Edible: Flowers, Leaves

A shrub. It loses its leaves during the year. It grows about 2 m high. The leaves are opposite. They are 5-17 cm long by 3.5-18 cm wide. They are broadly oval. The base is heart shaped and taper towards the point. It has small rounded teeth around the edge. The flowers are red and in large spreading panicles. The fruit are round. They become black when ripe. They have a red outer covering.

A tropical plant. It grows up to 1600 m altitude in Nepal. It grows in valleys, open spaces and in forests. In XTBG Yunnan. In Sichuan.

Common Names: Bunga pagoda, Bakan, Bei bing, Bieboa bo, Binliang, De ga pa me, He bao hua, Poto-O, Tapen


Clerodendrum kaempferi (Jacq.)Sleb.;
Clerodendrum paniculatum L.;
Volkameria japonica Thunb.;

Clerodendrum paniculatum

Edible: Leaves

A herb. It keeps growing from year to year. It grows 1-2 m tall. The branches can be angular and hollow. The leaves are 4-15 cm long by 7-20 cm wide or larger. They are broadly oval and can have 3-7 lobes. The base is heart shaped. There can be teeth along the edge. The flowering shoots are in the axils of leaves or at the ends of branches. There are many flowers in a group 45 cm long. The fruit is fleshy and green to blue turning black when ripe.

It is a tropical plant. In southern China it grows in wet places between 100-500 m above sea level. At ECHO.

Common Names: Pagoda flower, Bunga pagoda oranye, Haw kawr daw, Nomwan, Pan-letwah, Pan-po-detha, Panyin


Caprifolium paniculatum Noronha;
Cleianthus coccineus Lour. ex B. A. Gomes;
Clerodendrum diversifolium Vahl;
Clerodendrum pyramidale Andrews;
Volkameria angulata Lour.;
Volkameria diversifolia Vahl;


Clinacanthus nutans

Edible: Leaves, Leaves - tea

A herb or shrub. It grows 1 m tall. The leaves are oval or sword shaped and 7-12 cm long by 1-4 cm wide. They are hairy when young. There can be teeth along the edge. The flowers are near the top of the plant. They are dull red with a green base. They are tube shaped and 6 cm across. The fruit is an oval capsule 2 cm long. There are up to 4 seeds.

A tropical plant. It grows in dipterocarp forests and also in savannah up to 700 m above sea level. In XTBG Yunnan.

Common Names: Sabah snake grass, Pokok belalai gajah


Clinacanthus burmanii Nees;
Justicia nutans Burm.f.;

Clitoria ternatea

Edible: Leaves, Pods, Flowers - tea, Flowers

A perennial herb plant. It grows to 3-4.5 m tall and spreads to 4 m wide. The stem is slender and twines. The leaves are green and divided. They are 6-12 cm long. The 5-9 leaflets are oval. The flowers are bright purple. They are pea like and 3-5 cm across. They have yellow tinted white centres. The flowers occur either singly or in pairs. The fruit are flat pods. They are 7 cm long. After the seeds fall the pods twist. The seeds are dark brown to black.

It is a tropical plant. It will grow on most soils. It needs a sheltered sunny position. It is drought and frost tender. Mostly they grow on the edge of forests. It grows where the minimum temperature is 16°C. In Nepal it grows to about 250 m altitude in hedges and thickets. It can grow in arid places. In XTBG Yunnan. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common Names: Butterfly Bean, Darwin pea, Streaky Bean, Anchan, Ang chan, Anjan, Aparijita, Aporajita, Asian pigeon wings, Aung-mai-hpyu, Aung-me-nyo, Azulejo, Bejuco de conchitos, Bunga biru, Bunga telang, Campanilla, Cordofan pea, Dau biec, Gokran, Gokurna, Kacang, Kachang telang, Kakkanam, Kakkattan, Kelang, Kembang telang, Kembang teleng, Latoalawa, Menteleng, Mparia, Nanreethimaa, Oporajita, Papito, Pe-nauk-ni, Pokindang, Pukunggan, Samsampin, Sangu pushpam, Supli, Uang-chan, Zapatillo de la reina


Clitoria albiflora Mattei;
Clitoria bracteata Poiret;
Clitoria coelestris Siebert & Voss;
Clitoria parviflora Raf.;
Clitoria pilosula Benth.;
Clitoria tanganicensis Micheli;
Clitoria ternatea L. var. pilosula (Benth.) Baker;
Clitoria ternatensium Crantz;
Lathyrus spectabilis Forsskal;
Ternatea ternatea (L.) Kuntze;
Ternatea vulgaris Kuntze;
Ternatea vulgaris Humboldt;

Colocasia gigantea

Edible: Leaves, Fruit, Spice, Petioles, Leaf stalk, Flowers

An erect herb. It is fleshy and produces latex. It grows 2 m tall. It has a tuberous underground stem. The leaves are flattened with the leaf stalk attached to the middle of the lower surface. The leaves have 2 lobes at the base. The leaf stalk is 1.5 m long. It is light green. The leaf blade is oval in outline and 25-120 cm long by 17-35 cm wide. The lobes at the base point downwards and are joined for half their length. The flower is a lily like flower with a fleshy stem and enclosed in a spathe. The tubular part is 3-8 cm long. The fruit is an oblong berry. It is about 1 cm long.

A tropical plant. It grows in valley forests, swamps, also cultivated between 100-700 m in China. It suits shady sites. It is often on limestone hills. Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Melbourne Botanical gardens. In XTBG Yunnan. In Sichuan.

Common Names: Talas Padang, Bac ha, Batang, Bo ju, Bon, Bo rui, D(oj)e m(uf)ng, Hou bu, Kamumu, Khun, Kun, Lumpoi, Lumpuy, M(oon) to, Ok dip, Padun, Rombang, Talas raksasa, Taleh kemumu, Thamanai, Thoun, Yendem, You ti


Arisaema fouyou H. Lev.;
Caladium giganteum Blume ex J. Hasskarl;
Colocasia prunipes K. Koch & C. D. Bouche;
Leucocasia gigantea (Blume ex Hassk.) Schott;
Colocasia indica Engler; ?


Cordia dichotoma

Edible: Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Oil

A medium sized tree, that loses its leaves at some times of the year. They are 5 to 15 m high. It can grow up to 27 m tall and be 50 cm across in the trunk. The tree has spreading branches. The bark is 2 cm thick and grey. It is deeply cracked. The leaves are alternate, smooth and pointed at both ends. They have 2-3, easy to see, veins. The veins are hairy on the underside. They are 5-8 cm long and 2-4 cm wide. The leaf stalk is 3-4 cm long. The flowers are white or yellow, and borne in flower clusters at the ends of branches. The flower clusters are 1-5 cm across, while individual flowers are 2 mm across. The flowers are orange, and funnel shaped at the base. Male and both sex flowers occur on separate trees. The fruit are yellowish white or pink, and soft but with a hard stone. They are 2 cm across and contain a sticky juice. The fruit is sweet and edible.

It is a tropical plant. It grows near rainforests and near the coast. It suits humid locations. It can tolerate wind and salt spray. It is very sensitive to frost. It requires a well drained soil, in a sunny position. They are common and widely distributed in secondary forest and open places at low altitudes in the Philippines. In Nepal it grows between 300-1400 m altitude. In India is grows in all warmer parts of the subcontinent. It can grow in arid places. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Bird Lime Tree, Clammy-cherry, Abota, Anonang, Bahubara, Bahuvaraka, Bargund, Bhokar, Bhoker, Boal, Bohal, Bohari, Bohori, Bokar, Buch, Bulu, Buralessura, Cheruviri, Chikkachalle, Chinna nakkeru, Chokargond, Chota, Doba khari, Doddachalle, Gadgundi, Glue Berry Tree, Gobarhuta, Gondan, Gondi, Goohalo, Gunda, Hpak-mong, Indian-cherry, Kal, Kalahuza, Karadisellai, Kasondeh, Kendal, Kotra, Lashora, Lasoda, Lasoora, Lasora, Lasorda, Lassora, Lasura, Lasuri, Laswara, Lesua, Lisora, Muk-fang, Naruvali, Naruviri, Nunang, Pa-mi-shing, Patinga, Paw man, Peddanakkera, Periyaviri, Perunarubili, Pohon lasora besar, Puzhuventhekku, Sebestan plum, Selvat, Shelvant, Shelvati, Shembadi, Siumung esing, Thanapet, Thanat, Thanut, Tun-paw-man, Uddalaka, Vargund, Viri, Virimaram

Synonyms: Cordia indica Lam.;
Cordia loureiri Roem. et Schult.;
Cordia myxa Roxb. non Linn.;
Cordia obliqua Willd.;
Cordia tomentosa Wall.;
Cordia wallichii G. Don;
Cordia grandis Wall.;
and others

Coriandrum sativum

Edible: Leaves, Seeds, Herb, Spice, Roots, Vegetable, Flowers

An annual herb up to 70 cm high. It spreads to 50 cm across. It has a fleshy taproot. The stem is erect and finely grooved. The leaves are compound, and divided along their length. The lower leaves have lobes, while the upper leaves are finely divided. The leaves are bright green, and glossy. Flowers are pink to white. They occur in flat arrangements, with stalks coming from the same point. The plant has an unpleasant smell until the fruit ripens. The fruit are pale brown. The fruit have lines along them. Some lines are wavy and some are straight.

A Mediterranean plant. Sometimes it does not set seed in the lowland tropics. It grows up to about 2200 m altitude in the tropics. It prefers light to medium, well-drained soils. It suits an open sunny position. It is drought and frost tender. In Nepal it grows to 3000 m altitude. It can grow in arid places. It suits hardiness zones 6-9.

Common Names: Coriander, As otu, Bakhor, Chinese parsley, Cilandre, Cilantro, Coentro-salsa, Culantro regional, Danya, Daun ketumbar, Dhane, Dhania, Dhaniya, Dhanna, Dhonia, Gijnij, Gosangn, Gosu, Hap kom, Hariyo dhaniya, Hu-sui, Ketumbar, Kindzi, Kinzi, Kisnis, Kizbara, Koliana, Kolyandro, Konphir, Kothamalli, Kothambri, Kothimber, Kothomalli, Kothumpalari, Kotimiliha, Kottamalli, Koyendoro, Kustumburi, Kuzbarah, Kuzbarem, Masala, Mexican parsley, Mirmindu, Nannamazee, Nannambin, Nannan, Ngo, Pak chee, Pak chi, Parrimse, Phat-kyi, Pimenta tahan, Ta-ner-hgaw, Uen sai, Yuen sai, Yumurca, Yumurcak


Selinum coriandrum E. H. L. Krause;
Coriandrum majus Gouan;
and others