Kujenga Uwezo wa Ubunifu unaonyesha kuwa kanuni za msingi za uundaji-ushirikiano na upekuzi wa watu-kawaida hutumika kwa ukuzaji wa programu ya kompyuta, usimamizi wa ushirika, au muundo wa bidhaa za hali ya juu - inaweza pia kuwa muhimu kwa uvumbuzi wa teknolojia inayolenga kumaliza umaskini. Hii inawezekana tu wakati hali zipo kwa ushiriki kamili katika mchakato mzima wa muundo na watu ambao teknolojia hizi zinalenga, ambayo inamaanisha kuwekeza katika mikakati inayoongeza uwezo wa mitaa na kusaidia uvumbuzi wa ndani. -MIT

  1. 01-01-2016 Katika toleo hili: Kongamano la Arua Matangazo Rasilimali za ubunifu Habari za ECHO A.M Mbinu bora za ECHO A.M
  2. In this issue: 1. Nutrition in dryland areas symposium 2.Nanenane Agricultural show 3. Appropriate technology 4. ECHO EA seed bank updates 5..Parthenium 6. Upcoming events 7. News in brief
  3. 01-04-2016 Katika toleo hili:: Kongamano la Nanyuki Matangazo Rasilimali za ubunifu Habari za ECHO Afrika Mashariki Mbinu bora za ECHO
  4. Katika toleo hili: 1. Maonesho ya kilimo nanenane 2. Mbinu mbadala 3. Yaliyojiri katika benki ya mbegu 4. Baadhi ya mafanikio 5. Ubunifu 6. Habari kwa ufupi 7. Mbinu bora za kituo cha Mafunzo cha kanda ya Afrika Mashariki
  5. 01-09-2016 Katika toleo hili: Matangazo Maonesho ya kilimo Nanenane Matukio ya kujifunza - SARI na ASA Rasilimali za ubunifu Habari za ECHO Afrika Mashariki Mbinu bora za ECHO A. M
  6. Session:Modifications have been done to make a lowest-cost direct seeder for single and multi-row applications powered by animal draught power, prototypes which will be viewed and discussed seeking improvements for wider experimentation across the region. Biographical information:Harold Msanya is...
  7. Rasilimali Muhimu 15-02-1998 This Manual is written for trainers in governmental and non-governmental development organizations who are preparing their staff to work together with farmers in developing technologies appropriate to ecological agriculture and using few external inputs. The training is designed to stimulate...
  8. Creative Capacity Building (CCB) is at the core of D-Lab's approach to international development and is central to our work at MIT and in the field. The goal of CCB is to train participants to create or adapt technologies that will improve their lives and strengthen their communities.By...
  9. Plenary, ECHO Appropriate Technology Virtual Fair, September 3, 2020 Erwin Kinsey and Harold Msanya, ECHO East Africa Design is a creative process in which everyone can engage meaningfully in addressing community-level problems. Solutions are better when the design process is inclusive and when...
  10. Breakout Session, ECHO Appropriate Technology Virtual Fair, September 3, 2020 Hosted by Stacy Swartz, Research & Publications Associate, ECHO Florida
  11. Session:With 90% of the world’s engineering focused on 10% of the population, a significant opportunity exists to serve the most vulnerable and marginalized people in developing countries. Many attempts have been made to develop so-called appropriate technology, with some success, and much...
  12. 19-11-2019 Session :With 90% of the world’s engineering focused on 10% of the population, a significant opportunity exists to serve the most vulnerable and marginalized people in developing countries. Many attempts have been made to develop so-called appropriate technology, with some success, and much...
  13. 14-02-2019 Session: Modifications have been done to make a lowest-cost direct seeder for single and multi-row applications powered by animal draught power, prototypes which will be viewed and discussed seeking improvements for wider experimentation across the region. Biographical information: Harold Msanya...
  14. TheInternational Development Innovation Network (IDIN)enables a global community of changemakers to design, develop and disseminate innovations that improve the lives of people living in poverty. We champion the belief that: Everyone can be an innovator. Co-creation encourages more inclusive...
  15. Creative Capacity Building (CCB)is a model of teaching based on sparking innovation in participants. This approach was developed byInternational Development Innovation Network (IDIN)andMIT D-Lab. Twende-AISE has adopted it to help students and other community members to uncover challenges and...
  16. IDIN's Resource Library includes many types of presentations and reports, but also Curriculum. Please select the document type useful to you.
  17. 10-12-2018 Guest Post: Magreth Omary Mbauda Tanzania My name is Magreth Omary and I am married and God has blessed me with 4 children. My income comes from making batik cloth, stools, embroidery work and soap which gives me most income. I own a small shop, a meeting point of my customers who love my...
  18. 11-07-2017 A recent Creative Livelihood Challenge (CLC) training was conducted with 15 students from Arusha Technical College and 15 Creative Capacity Building innovators. This type of training was developed and facilitated by Elizabeth Reece – an Australian volunteer who is based at Twendein Tanzania. CLC...
  19. The workshop helped refugee youth rebuild a positive self-image beyond the marginalized identity of “refugee”– at the end of the workshop, they could see themselves in a new way: as makers and innovators.
  20. The design process is both an art and a science, and exists in many different disciplines. Afundamental way to look at engineering design is that you are trying to create a solution to a problem. The following steps will help get you on the road to finding a good solution; they can be used as a...
  21. The access and use of agricultural mechanization can play a critical role in increasing farm productivity while reducing the time, laborand drudgery of agricultural production. However, agricultural mechanization (like most technologies) is not always easily adopted, andwomen farmers are far more...
  22. 13-11-2024 How a combination of God's biblical story, asset-based development and design thinking is transforming how people solve challenges in their communities and with their own resources.