Heifer International (Shirika la Mitamba Duniani) ni taasisi isiyo ya kiserikali ya huduma za kibinadamu iliyojitoa kumaliza njaa na umasikini duniani na kutunza ardhi kwa kugawa mifugo, miti, mafunzo na rasilimali nyingine kusaidia familia masikini ulimwenguni kuweza kujitegemea na kuinua kiwango chao cha maisha. Heifer International ilianzishwa mwaka 1944 huko nchini Marekani mara baada ya vita kuu ya pili ya dunia. Mwasisi wake alikuwa mwinjilisiti Dan West. Leo hii, kazi zake zinafanyika katika nchi 125 duniani na majimbo 38 ya Marekani.
The documents below are hosted here by permission from Heifer International.
10 Matoleo katika Chapisho hili (Inaonyesha masuala - 1000)
Mwongozo wa Ufugaji wa Ng'ombe wa Maziwa - 1994 - 19-01-1993
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- English (en)
Integrated Smallholder Dairy Farming Manual - 2015 - 20-01-2015
Dairying as an enterprise has got a place alongside other viable tools of poverty alleviation, besides creating job opportunities to jobless families in Tanzania.
Statistics from the ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development show that there are about 800,000 improved dairy cattle in Tanzania. This herd is producing about 2 billion liters of milk a year. This volume can double if farmers can adhere to the appropriate animal husbandry practices and if these volumes can access a stable and sustainable market.
The per capita milk consumption index in Tanzania stands at 45 litres per year. This index is very low when compared to the recommended by FAO of 200 litres per year.
Mwongozo wa Ufugaji Bora wa Nguruwe - 20-01-2010
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- English (en)
Mwongozo wa ufugaji bora wa mbuzi wa maziwa - 2005 - 20-01-2005
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Swahili only
Mwongozo wa ufugaji bora wa mbuzi wa maziwa - 20-01-2010
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- English (en)
Raising Goats for Milk and Meat - 20-01-2008
Goats are some of the most benefi cial animals in the world, providing meat, milk, fiber, fertilizer, and draft power in addition to working as partners in land reclamation. Widely known as the “poor man’s cow,” goats have some under-recognized advantages over other animals. They are readily adaptable, thriving in tropical, cold, dry or humid climates. Given their small stature compared to other livestock, goats can be raised on large or small land holdings. Furthermore, approximately two-thirds of the feed energy used to raise these animals comes from substances which are undesirable, indigestible and inedible by humans.
It is little wonder that goats were among the earliest domesticated animals; records in this regard date back 10,000 years to the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. This may be explained by the fact that goats have gentle temperaments, making them ideal household animals. When the cost of cattle-raising is prohibitive, goats cost very little, are ideal for family milk and meat production and can be easily sold for income. The milk and meat produced by one goat is the perfect balance: it is suffi cient to meet children’s nutritional requirements, without the storage problems associated with the larger supply produced by cattle. In warm climates where no refrigeration is available, the meat from one goat can be consumed by a family before it spoils. And as there are few religious taboos related to the consumption of goat meat and milk. Goat meat, dairy products or offspring can easily be sold for extra income.
Kitabu cha kuku wa asili - 20-07-2008
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Kuku wa kienyeji ni wale ambao wamekuwepo hapa nchini kwa miaka mingi na damu yao haijachanganyika na ya kuku wa kigeni. Kuku hawa wana rangi na maumbo mbali mbali. Idadi ya kuku wa kienyeji hapa Tanzania inakadiriwa kufikia milioni 27. Kati ya kaya milioni 3.8 zinazojishughulisha na kilimo nchini, kaya milioni 2.3 hujishughulisha na ufugaji wa kuku wa kienyeji. Ufugaji wa kuku wa kienyeji hapa nchini kwetu Tanzania, kwa kawaida, hufanywa na wafugaji wadogo wadogo wanaoishi kando kando ya miji na wale wanaoishi vijijini. Kuku hawa hufugwa huria {free-range}, yaani hufungiwa ndani nyakati za usiku na hufunguliwa asubuhi ili wajitafutie chakula.
Kuku hawa hutoa mazao machache sana yaani nyama na mayai, kwa mfano kuku mmoja hutaga kiasi cha mayai 40-60 kwa mwaka badala ya 100-150 iwapo ataimarishwa na kutunzwa vizuri. Pia uzito wa kuku hai ni wa chini sana, wastani wa kilo 1.0 – 1.5 katika umri wa zaidi ya miezi 6 badala ya kilo 1.8 – 2.5 iwapo atatunzwa vizuri.
Kufuga samaki katika mabwawa - 20-01-2000
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- English (en)
Kufuga samaki katika mabwawa kunaitwa ufugaji wa samaki.