& quot; Kupanga ufumbuzi muda mrefu itahitaji kina, & ldquo; kimuundo mabadiliko & rdquo; katika sekta ya kilimo. Katika nchi zinazoendelea, sekta ya kilimo lazima ibadilishe teknolojia mpya na modeli za biashara ili kuongeza fursa za kazi, kushinda vikwazo vya rasilimali, kuwezesha ushiriki mkubwa wa soko, na kupunguza sifa zisizofaa, haswa kwa wanawake. Kilimo katika nchi zilizoendelea lazima zishughulikie lishe isiyofaa, taka ya chakula, uzalishaji wa nishati ya mimea, na jinsi sera zao zinavyoathiri nchi zenye mapato ya chini. Nchi hizi hazina budi kuongoza katika kutekeleza viwango vya juu vya uzalishaji, ufanisi wa rasilimali, usalama wa chakula, na athari za mazingira. & Quot;

-Kundi la Mada la Kikundi kwenye Kilimo Endelevu na Mifumo ya Chakula, 2015

  1. 20-01-2011
  2. 09-02-2017 RIPAT (Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation) is a participatory extension approach aims to close the agricultural technology gap as a means of improving livelihoods and self-support among rural small-scale farmers. The approach is as well a documented step-by-step guide...
  3. Foodsource is an open and expanding resource for information on sustainable food systems, led by theFood Climate Research Network (FCRN)at the University of Oxford, and funded by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. Its open-sourced resources are developed in collaboration with our partners...
  4. The Food Climate Research Network conducts, synthesises, and communicates research at the intersection of food, climate, and broader sustainability issues. Based at the University of Oxford, we work to inform and connect stakeholders with a common interest in understanding and building...
  5. Today, consumers are charged more for organic food than for conventionally produced food. But given the latter’s ecological footprint, this ought to be the other way round, our author of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation maintains. To make this happen, he calls for public policies...
  6. Agricultural transformationlies at the core of poverty reduction, food security, and improved nutrition. With few exceptions, countries that have moved toward middle-income status have been initially driven along that path of economic growth by the transformation of their agriculture sector. Yet...
  7. Rasilimali Muhimu 01-01-1990 The agricultural use of saline water or soils can benefit many developing countries. Salt-tolerant plants can utilize land and water unsuitable for salt-sensitive crops (glycophytes) for the economic production of food, fodder, fuel, and other products. Halophytes (plants that grow in soils or...
  8. Rasilimali Muhimu 19-01-1998 Measures of Success is a practical, hands-on guide to designing, managing, and measuring the impacts of community-oriented conservation and development projects. It presents a simple, clear, logical, and yet comprehensive approach to developing and implementing effective programs, and can help...
  9. The view that a productive agriculture is critical for employment creation and poverty reduction is now widely shared within the development community. Yet, this has not always been the case. In the run up to the 2008 world food price crisis, many development practitioners, government officials...
  10. 09-08-2018 Session: A best practice to improve nutrition in drylands is to focus on what is working, what is right, what gifts, methods and resources exist that have in the past worked in favor of good nutrition for humans and also for livestock in these dry areas. Focusing on people’s assets instead of...
  11. Feed the Future This Why Agriculture features Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist USAID. It is a teaching resource within USAID's Food Security and Agriculture Core Course, which incorporates USAID's focus for food security and agriculture development under the Global Food Security Strategy and...
  12. This Agricultural Transformation video is a teaching resource within USAID's Food Security and Agriculture Core Course, which incorportates USAID's focus for food security and agriculture development under the Global Food Security Strategy and expanding work in nutrition and resilience.
  13. "Devising long-lasting solutions will require deep, “structural transformations” in the agriculture sector. In developing countries, the agricultural sector must adapt new technologies and business models to increase job opportunities, overcome resource constraints, enable greater market...
  14. 16-11-2016 Creation care is a unique way to better understand God and participate in his redemptive work in the world. Furthermore, while care of the environment may seem a secondary priority, those we seek to serve are particularly vulnerable to its degradation. Presenter:Since 1995, Scott Sabin has served...
  15. The most effective wayto improve the lives of millions in poverty is to support agriculture in developing countries. Most of the world’s poor are farmers, and those who are not spend much of their income on food. Transforming a country’s agriculture sector can create jobs, raise incomes, reduce...
  16. Transforming Africa’s economic development requires a shift away from its characteristic dependence on commodities and limited domestic production. Broader participation in economic growth is needed to stem rural flight and promote inclusive job creation among youth and women. Agriculture is a...
  17. 03-03-2016 Session: Western societies used schools, and culturally blind policies to absorb the native American and Australian aborigine populations into mainstream society. Since colonial times until today most governments use schools and district offices to implement policies with agricultural biases with...

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