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WELCOME to Tropical Production Systems. TPS is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to families with scarce economic resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the American, African and Asian Humid Lowland Tropics (tropical lands with over 1500 mm rainfall/yr and under 900m elevation).

The Mission

The Mission of TPS is to assist organizations in the Humid Lowland Tropics with the development and transfer of priority practices that have low external inputs, that improve food security and that improve the productivity, sustainability, profitability and biodiversity of mixed traditional crop-livestock-forestry production of families with scarce economic resources on less-fertile hill-lands (lands not suitable for specialized agro-industrial production).

The Founding Director of TPS is Dr. John P. Bishop who for over 40 years has studied and worked with traditional diversified crop-livestock-forestry production on less-fertile hill-lands in over 20 countries in the American, African, and Asian Humid Lowland Tropics.

The Purpose

The Purpose of this website (www.humidtropics.com) is to share the Technical Notes and Guideson Crop-Livestock-Forestry Production developed by TPS in the past few years. These publications focus on improving the traditional commercial diversified production of families with scarce economic resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics. Click here for an index of TPS publications in English and Spanish.

The Vision

The Vision of TPS is to improve the commercial crop-livestock-forestry production of families with scarce economic resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics---which is essential for food security and an improved rural development that is economically more equitable, sociologically more just, and ecologically more sustainable.