Aina anuwai ya mimea inaweza kutumika kama malisho na mazao ya malisho katika nchi za hari. Kati ya hizi, chache ni muhimu sana kwa sababu ya kubadilika kwao, urahisi wa ukuaji, uwezo mkubwa wa mavuno, na thamani kubwa ya lishe. Zaidi ya hizi ni nyasi au jamii ya kunde. Nyasi nyingi hapa zinafaa sana kwa malisho ya kudumu, ingawa chache hukatwa na kupelekwa kwa wanyama. Kwa bahati mbaya, kuna mchanganyiko wa mikunde na nyasi ambao unalingana katika malisho ya nchi za hari; Walakini, tuna kunde kadhaa zinazofaa kwa malisho mchanganyiko na tuna hamu ya kusikia jinsi zinavyokua katika maeneo anuwai. ECHO Ujumbe wa Ufundi kwenye Forages inapatikana.

  1. The exact origin of this crop is not known but it is commonly grown from southern Texas south to Peru. It was named “Siratro” and first hybridized in the early 1960’s.
  2. Mimea anuwai inaweza kutumika kama mazao ya malisho na chakula katika nchi za kitropiki. Kati ya hizi, chache ndio muhimu sana kwa sababu ya kuzoeleana kwao, urahisi wa ukuaji, uwezo mkubwa wa mavuno, na thamani kubwa ya lishe. Zaidi ya hizi ni nyasi au jamii ya kunde. Nyasi nyingi zilizo hapa...
  3. 30-03-2017 Making Silage in Vichada Tech Note Spotlight: Biosand Water Filter Echoes from our Network: Member Highlight Adria and Job From ECHO's Technical Respose Team: Appropriate forage crops for clay soils From ECHO's Seed Bank: Forage peanut
  4. 01-01-2002 This simple forage cutter provides a mechanism to chop tough grasses or other forages to make them more palatable and digestible for livestock. This results in more efficient food conversion for animals and reduced wastage. It can also be used to chop materials for compost, silage, vermiculture,...
  5. 01-08-2015 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #25 Invasive alien species (often IAS in the literature) are those species introduced to an area outside their normal or native range, either purposefully or by accident, whose colonization causes significant harm. The species may become weeds, pests or...
  6. 15-02-2015 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #23 In its simplest definition a forage is any plant material grazed or fed to livestock. However, a more specific definition that’s presented in this article focuses on plants (grasses and legumes) that are planted specifically to provide superior feed...
  7. 19-01-1984 Leucaena leucocephala ("koa haole"-Hawaii; ipil ipil - Phillipines) is a fast-growing, leguminous tree that can be used for reforestation, for firewood, and as a forage crop that can equal alfalfa in nutritional value. There are three basic types of leucaena trees: Hawaiian, Salvador, and Peru....
  8. Rasilimali Muhimu 01-04-1993 If the small farm is to be a permanent source of food for its owners, it must be managed in a sound fashion that provides a constant source of nutrients, fuel, construction materials, etc. without damage to the land or its productive capacity. Forage crops are important to the small farm as one...
  9. 19-10-1996
  10. Abstract, 2016,Soil Use and Management Autumn maize intercropped with tropical forages can raise the amount of crop residues and improve nutrient cycling, favoring subsequent soybean crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of forms of implementation of intercropping of...
  11. Abstract, Ambio, 2015 The increased use of grain-based feed for livestock during the last two decades has contributed, along with other factors, to a rise in grain prices that has reduced human food security. This circumstance argues for feeding more forages to livestock, particularly in the...
  12. The approach taken by this reader-friendly text is the application to practice scientific principles. All aspects of production and utilization are dealt with, including trends in extensification, forage legume use and nature conservation. The title is aimed at grassland farmers, extension...
  13. Abstract, 1998, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Increasing population growth and limited resources present a challenge to the development of Asia, especially in the impoverished uplands. The people living in the slopelands of Asia are generally plagued by poverty and constant soil erosion,...
  14. Agriculture2022,12(2), 279; Published: 16 February 2022 Abstract Tangolagrass (Brachiaria arrectaBrachiaria mutica) is a stoloniferous warm-season grass considered as an alternative to forming permanent grasslands in waterlogged tropical regions....
  15. Common names Tef, teff, Williams lovegrass, Abyssinian lovegrass, annual bunch grass [English]; teff, tef [French, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian]; mtefi [Swahili]; ጤፍ [Amharic]; 苔麸 [Chinese]; בן-חילף טף [Hebrew]; テフ [Japanese]; Теф, Тефф [Russian] Description Tef (Eragrostis tef(Zuccagni)...
  16. Abstract, African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 2015 Demand for animal products is growing faster than for any other agricultural product. As a result, pressure for greater output from cultivated pastures is expected to increase. Assuming cultivated pasture area will decrease with land...
  17. TheInternational Grassland Congresspromotes interchange of information on all aspects of natural and cultivated grasslands and forage crops for the benefit of mankind, including sustained development, food production and the maintenance of biodiversity. International Congresses are held every...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video Mix legumes and grasses to improve the soil fertility, and the nutritional value of the feed. It also improves the yields of the potatoes that you plant next. If you are not able to irrigate, plant the fodder at the beginning of the rains. The mix should include...
  19. 1992 CARDI In recent years, many farmers throughout the Caribbean area have established forage banks and interest in the technique continues to grow.
  20. 01-01-2019 *Available as Download Only The book "Quality and Production of Forage" is intended to keep readers updated on the developments occurring in this field. As it is apparent that livestock animals are important throughout the world because of the meat, milk and egg they produce, knowledge about the...
  21. 01-01-2017 The Special Issue to provide a forum for contemporary studies of the genetics, genomics and phenomics of productivity traits in forage and bioenergy grasses, along with the application of such data to breeding practices and cultivar development. *Available as Download Only MDPI Book Link...
  22. Recognizing the importance of a clear consensus of terms and their definitions used in grazing lands,The Forage and Grazing Lands Terminology Committeewas formed in 1989 through the American Forage and Grassland Council.Terminology for Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals,published in 1991,...