Kibuyu chirizi ni teknolojia ya gharama ya chini, kusafisha mikono ambayo inaweza kuigwa kulingana na muktadha na rasilimali. Inaweza kujengwa na rasilimali anuwai, ni rahisi kutumia, na inaweza kupunguza uchafu wakati inatumiwa ipasavyo katika masafa ya kutosha. Nyakati nzuri za kutumia kuosha mikono yako ni pamoja na kabla ya kupika, kabla ya kula, baada ya kwenda chooni, na kabla ya kushirikiana na watoto wadogo au wazee. Kutumia maji safi kwa kuosha ni hatua muhimu ya mbinu bora za bomba. Kwa habari zaidi juu ya jinsi ya kujenga na kutumia bomba lenye nguvu, tumia rasilimali katika mkusanyiko huu. / nguvu>

Kunawa mikono na sabuni imetajwa kuwa moja wapo ya gharama nafuu za kuzuia vifo na magonjwa yanayohusiana na kuharisha.

Kunawa mikono na sabuni nyakati muhimu & ndash; ikiwa ni pamoja na kabla ya kula au kuandaa chakula na baada ya kutumia choo & ndash; inaweza kupunguza viwango vya kuharisha kwa zaidi ya asilimia 40.

Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa kunawa mikono na sabuni na wakunga wa kuzaliwa na akina mama kwa kiasi kikubwa kuongezeka kwa viwango vya kuishi kwa watoto wachanga hadi asilimia 44. / nguvu>

  1. Figure 2. Tippy tap parts diagram with optional foot pedal and catchment included. Source: Cody Kiefer, inspired by Lifewater International, 2005.
  2. *** It really is in your hands*** Diarrheal and respiratory infections kill over 3.5 million children under the age of five every year. Hand washing with soap is the most effective and an inexpensive way to prevent these deaths. It can save the lives of 1.2 million children...
  3. provides manuals for how to build a tippy tap in various languages that are applicable for both litterate and illerate education of the technology. The graphics provided are widely applicable to various contexts and resources that may be available. English Hindi Marathi French ...
  4. 14-04-2020 This article explains the relevance of a simple sanitation technology (the Tippy Tap) for carrying out health authority recommendations during outbreaks. It also lists aditional resources including pictoral guides, for how to make this adaptable and low-input technology.
  5. Children are dying 3.5 million children die from diarrhoea and acute respiratory infection in developing countries every year. Hand washing with soap can prevent these illnesses– it could save 1.2 million of these children. We’re not talking about an expensive vaccine or a high tech drinking...
  6. These postersare great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippytap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic. English Spanish French Swahili Indonesian Khmer Portuguese Japanese...
  7. This document describes how to make a Tippy Tap, a simple handwashing device with running water. The Tippy Tap consists of a 5 liter container hanging on a horizontal stick. The container can be tipped by pulling a rope through the cap. The rope is attached to a stick lying on the ground, which...
  8. This photo is of a Tippy Tap handwashing station. It is made of local materials and is helpful for sanitary handwashing practices.
  9. 20-01-2005 The Tippy Tap II (Lifewater International)is a modified design of the Tippy Tap that is easier to make and easy to use. The Tippy Tap II can be made from any container of about one to four litres capacity. A jug with a handle works best, but a Tippy Tap II can be made from any plastic container,...
  10. A step-by-step guide on how to build a foot-pump handwashing station.
  11. Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water.
  12. The notebook contains directions and pictures on how to make a Tippy Tap, a kitchen garden, natural pesticide, liquid manure and a fuel saving stove. It also talks about compost, sack mound gardening, BBW and plant tea.