Andhra Pradesh Community managed Natural Farming - APCNF
- The Natural Farming scenario presented in AgroEco2050 is grounded in practicality, as it does not rely on untested, hypothetical technological leaps. Instead, it prioritizes strategies that offer clear benefits and are built on the application of existing knowledge and best practices that are...
- This study compared the impacts of APCNF with three other farming systems in Andhra Pradesh: chemical farming in the Godavari delta region, rainfed farming in the semi-arid region, and low-input tribal farming in the mountain region. The results show strong evidence that APCNF offers a better...
- This booklet aims to provide you, as people leading and supporting the move to Agroecology in Africa, with lessons from the valuable experiences of the APCNF programme. We have included helpful inputs, discussions and conclusions from the 15 online sessions held over 2021/2022. You will also find...