Mark's tales take us on a 60 year journey, from suburban Minneapolis to the heart of Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer in the early1980s. Along the way we discover what we have lost, and what the Central African villagers can help us to reclaim. With food as the central thread, this book is a...
Rasilimali Muhimu20-01-2010 This publication contains descriptions of promising African plants. It also reports on three projects where species were explored in projects, Cleome gynandra - spiderplants, Hibiscus sabdariffa - roselle, and Sorghum bicolor - sorghum.
01-01-1990 Fruit and Vegetable Production in Warm Climates is a companion volume to the Fruit and Vegetable Production in Africa. This edition, like the first, covers both fruit and vegetable production in a single volume but here information is discussed within the framework of pan-tropical systems...
Theis booklet uses a series of photographs to explore the different functions of trees in Africa. It aims to stimulate awareness of the different ways farmers use trees, whil emphasizing the need for foresters to consider local knowledge, to learn what local people need, and work with them to...
Readers will survey the challenges of decreasing per-capita food production in Sub-Saharan Africa with a multidisciplinary team of soil scientists, agronomists, economists, anthropologists, and foresters. The book begins with the conceptual approach of investing in natural resource capital,...
Agriculture in Africa Rural Communities-Crops and Soils is a basic introduction to principples of crop physiology and practices of crop husbandry. The book recognises the realities of traditional subsistence farming but introduces improved methods. As well as details of plant requirements, and...
This publication is intended for the instruction of agricultural extension, home economics, nutrition, health and other community development agents working with households and communities. Home gardens are found in many humid and subhumid areas of Africa. These gardens have an established...
A sweeping history the fortune seekers, adventurers, despots, and thieves who have ruthlessly endeavored to extract gold, diamonds, and other treasures from Africa and its people. Africa has been coveted for its rich natural resources ever since the era of the Pharaohs. In past centuries, it was...
The editors of this volume hope that the proceedings will act as a catalyst to stimulate thinking and action among researchers interested in neem improvement. It is encourageing to note that the work plan for seed exchange developed during the conference is already being implemented and that...
The aim of this book is to highlight some of the problems facing farmers in the African savanna and to suggest some possible approaches toward solutions. Farmers in the parts of Africa where population growth is near, or has exceeded, the carrying capacity of the land at present technological...