1. Abstract, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2006 Food composition provides an important link for biodiversity and nutrition. Biodiversity at three levels—ecosystems, the species they contain and the genetic diversity within species—can contribute to food security and improved nutrition....
  2. 20-01-2019 The first Agrobiodiversity Index Report assesses dimensions of agrobiodiversity in ten countries to measure food system sustainability and resilience. Countries receive an overall Agrobiodiversity Index score that indicates their progress in using and safeguarding agrobiodiversity to create...
  3. The lack of a standardized methodology creates at least two significant problems. The first problem is that the lack of guidance on robust monitoring protocols and survey design leads to the collection of information that cannot fulfill the objectives for which it was collected. For example, if...
  4. THE GLOBAL ROLE OF THE CROP TRUST In 1996, after long negotiations, 150 countries adopted the firstGlobal Plan of Action(GPA) for conserving and using crop diversity. The GPA called for a rational global conservation system, based on the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and transparency....
  5. The CGIAR (Link ) is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor. Their mission is to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related...
  6. 08-02-2017 Conflicts abound with conservation and food security issues. Solutions and best practices will be shared. Presenter :Dr. James Kahurananga was the past director of the Africa Wildlife Foundation, and has 50 years experience in the field of conservation of biodiversity within Tanzania, Kenya,...
  7. 20-10-2011 An important part of ECHO’s ministry is sharing information about underutilized plants. Many of the seeds in our seed bank are for crops that have not been heavily researched, but that have been found to grow well under challenging conditions and that are already important to people in some...
  8. 06-10-2015
  9. Abstract, 2013, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development -- Gill, T. B., Bates, R., Bicksler, A., Burnette, R., Ricciardi, V., & Yoder, L. (2013). Strengthening informal seed systems to enhance food security in Southeast Asia.J. Agric., Food Syst., Commun. Dev,3,...
  10. In June 2014, Bioversity International celebrated its 40th anniversary. The organization’s focus has changed over time. Early work focused on the emergency conservation of crop genetic resources in genebanks. Today we deliver scientific evidence, management practices and policy options to use and...