3 vitu vilivyopatikana ( Inaonyesha 1 - 3)
  1. Edited by Henk de Zeeuw, Pay Drechsel As people increasingly migrate to urban settings and more than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, it is vital to plan and provide for sustainable and resilient food systems which refl ect this challenge. This volume presents experience and evidence-based “state of the art”...
  2. Editor: Arwen Bailey A new book which summarizes the most recent evidence on how to use agrobiodiversity to provide nutritious foods through harnessing natural processes. What people are saying about the book “With a host of case studies, facts and figures about this growing area of research, this is a must-read for...
  3. (IASS) Institute for the Advanced Sustainability Studies 84 pp. : ill. Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 8 [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] This guide aims to support states, community-based organizations and civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant actors to take proactive measures to implement the standards and...
    346.043 IAS

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